Floodplains are considered to be rain forests in Europe. However, in Switzerland, 90 per cent of these species are rich spaces have disappeared or are severely impaired. The Canton of Aargau wants to make a small part of betting. In the municipality of Sins, the river Reuss is to be upgraded revitalised to a length of 1.5 kilometers, that is ecologically, adjacent to a 200’000 square metre floodplain area should be created, with space for rare and endangered plants and animals such as the Kingfisher. Cost: around 10 million Swiss francs.

The project is not an isolated case. “Compared to the last few years, we have today in almost all the cantons of more revitalisation projects are ready for implementation,” says Stephan Attiger (FDP), the Aargau state councillor, and President-elect of the cantonal Ministers of construction and environment Directors. Accordingly, the cantons have declared for the period from 2020 to 2024 at the Federal projects in the amount of 370 million Swiss francs – a record value. The unpublished document of the Federal office for the environmental (FOEN), which is present to this newspaper shows.

280 million as a compromise?

is The wishlist of the cantons comes this week in the context of the budget debate on the table. Whether the new, greener Federal Parliament will continue with an ecological accent? The Federal Council and the preparatory Committee of the national Council want to talk to 180 million Swiss francs for the next five years, per year, more than 36 million instead of the previously 30 million.

on the left of the green forces the to little far. SP-national councillor Ursula Schneider shake calls for 280 million Swiss francs, i.e. 56 million per year. The cantons would be with this “compromise” satisfied, such as the FDP-magistrate Stephan Attiger says. One way or the other, the cantons have to bear a part of the respective project costs. Depending on how well your projects, the requirements of the Federal government are not met, it is between 20 and 65 percent.

However, all civil representatives have voted in the preparatory Committee against Schneider shaker’s request. The FDP recognizes your new environment, paper for water protection “great need for optimization” and to designate in particular the revitalisation project as an “important measure”.

The CVP, in turn, Mitarchitektin was the compromise that had led ten years ago to the withdrawal of the people’s initiative “Living water” and as business – for the introduction of the revitalization obligation for the cantons. Instead of 16’000 kilometers of Water courses, the consensus at the time, to receive only 4000 kilometers back to their natural state. Estimated cost: almost five billion Swiss francs, distributed over eighty years. Per year, this makes about 60 million Swiss francs – approximately the equivalent of that contribution, the SP-politician, Schneider shake suggests. The CVP, as environmentalists demand, therefore, should your efforts accordingly – this money is now also speak.

CVP and the FDP under observation

In the duty the environmentalists also see the farmers ‘ Union . This has served to 2018, a Petition with more than 165’000 signatures for the protection of the insects included in response to research results from Germany show that in the last thirty years, more than half of all the insects disappeared. Revitalisation can help to curb this loss, at least, they do belong to the most effective support measures for insects.

However, Markus Ritter, CVP national councillor and President of the farmers Association, wants to increase the Federal elder. “We support the proposal of the Federal Council, which is also in line with the financial plan of the Federation.” And, in the case of the FDP, it means that the group have spoken for the first discussion of the budget about the Details. The water protection issue was discussed.

The Swiss fisheries Association (SFV) is now hoping that the CVP and the FDP, the necessary votes will come. “We accept that some members of Parliament, as the election promised to fight, behind an improved environmental policy,” said SFA CEO Philipp for Sure.

cantons feared “negative signal”

hope the environmentalists, an analysis published by the FOEN in may and the civil financial politicians will be interested in. Accordingly, the Federal flow of funds for the conservation of nature, especially in the local agricultural and construction industry and also increase the attractiveness of a Region. It is this economic profit that brings the cantons to demand from the Federal government for more money.

unable to Penetrate in the Parliament, will be suspended for the numerous that are already well advanced projects. Prior to that, the cantons warn in the aforementioned confidential document from the FOEN. Reinstated suspended projects, it is said, would lead to resentment in the communities, and you would have a “negative signal effect, they prevent other projects”.

Created: 03.12.2019, 06:31 PM