Prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) the government’s response today, Tuesday in parliament of the opposition interim questions about the Mail mess. The issue of the next confidence vote is scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday.

intermediate question left leaders of the coalition, the christian democrats and the Business Now want to clarify whether the state of the owner control condition, missing the government’s labour market negotiations and talking to the prime minister of the Slope and the municipality and the owner of the control of the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd.) true the parliament in front.

Paatero, resigned on Friday and became sick mess as a result.

the Post-mess of a debate launched by the prime minister and the government activities ability of the accelerated yesterday during the former, and the center party and the social democrats drifted the end of the night on a collision course. The centre line of the message was that the prime minister no longer has the party’s confidence. The center of president Katri Kulmuni I hope the SDP “draw conclusions from the situation”.

the Slope with thunder in the evening SDP party board meeting after the direction of downtown and said he wanted to party today a clear answer about whether it has the capacity to continue government cooperation with the prime minister or not.

– I Have to say, that if my communication is unclear, so that the center of communication is still less clear, noting the Slope.

the Board of directors 117 the representative of the majority

the Largest opposition party, the finns party is not involved in the interim the question order, but the party has demanded a coalition of the way the slope of the difference between the Post-incident related. The finns party has told me she wants to move forward in their own way and the party is going to vote for anyway the government’s confidence against.

the space issue is the opposition of the powerful weapon, but it leads to rarely the fall of the government. This has happened the last more than 60 years ago.

the Government will crash, if it does not get the parliamentary majority for confidence vote. The slope of the board is a vote of 117 mps of the majority.

Traditionally, all government party mps supported the voting lines straight to the government. Now the situation is, however, unclear of the center and the democrats between the nokkapokan due.

it May be that both the prime minister and the government will fall, unless the center of back board line before the interval the question of the referendum. It is also possible that the Slope to leave the mission before spacing issue in the debate.

the Post mess with the spacing issue is another spacing issue, which the opposition has filed a point-a-half years during the election period. The previous, coalition of the left by the spacing issue on the government’s economic and employment policy.

intermediate question discuss can follow the Yle Areena and Yle TV1, clock 14 from. You can watch the debate by clicking on this thing the pictures.

the government of the confidence vote tomorrow, Wednesday.

see also:

the Slope: I Want to answer, is the center involved in government co – MTV according to the center to tell the distrust of the prime minister already on Sunday

the Centre party and the social democrats on a collision course, the interval between the issue of the front on Tuesday – time of this government crisis, the events of recent days

Yle leaked memo: Sirpa Paatero told the Post tes-the transfer of the prime minister in August – a memorandum understands the Postal solution

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