Actually, there is in the Canton of Zurich for over twelve years, a protection against violence act. It allows the police to offenders (mostly men) immediately for 14 days with a contact or a rayon prohibition to impose or of the common apartment wegzuweisen, if you harass their partners or Ex-Girlfriends, berate or beat. If necessary, you can extend a court, the measure to up to three months.

Mrs L. is not helping this law. For months, a neighbor, your to. He stuffs her old Newspapers in the letter also note that he has foul words listed on the box, sometimes. Because of the man but never had a relationship with Mrs L. and his actions are not illegal, can the police do nothing.

The Same applies to Mr F. He receives messages on his cell phone, he should leave his girlfriend. The sender of the Ex-boyfriend of his partner. Because of this, but his former partner in peace, tied the police hands.

Just like that Mrs l and Mr F. do not have to accept the harassment, nevertheless, you can apply to the district court. “This can be within the adopted hours of the necessary protection measures,” says a member of the Parliament and judges Beat Bloch (CSP/Green, Zurich). It was much too cumbersome, the other parties in the cantonal Parliament. Michael beaver (FDP, Bachenbülach), self-police, says: “If a Person applies to the police, the pressure is often very high. Because it is explain that the police can not help and the Person must apply to a different Office.”

“not as urgent”

Therefore, the member of the Parliament wants to open the path via the police for people such as Mrs l and Mr F.. Everything goes according to Plan, the change in the law from the 1. July. The mechanism is the same as Stalking in partnerships or dissolved relationships. And also, the possible sanctions are the same: An immediate restraining order, rayon prohibition or, in extreme cases, eviction. The latter is likely to come in practice, but hardly applied, since the victim and the perpetrator in a relationship to each other, is no better together.

Also on the 1. July is simplified the way via court. The has decided to the Federal Parliament a year ago. In the future, courts may impose the Stalking-Victims no more costs. And it comes later to a civil action against the offender, the previously required going to the justice of the peace is eliminated.

To Beat Bloch and the green group ranges, the simplified way on the court. “In cases of domestic violence , the case is clear, since the police must intervene immediately,” he said yesterday in the cantonal Parliament. “In other Stalking cases, Action is offered mostly so urgent that the police would have to immediately adopt measures.” If, however, someone on my page serious threats that could take the police to the Person already today.

“security is a basic human right”

the Same opinion as Bloch were only three representatives of the AL. The police get with the new paragraph of “very far-reaching competencies,” said Markus Bischoff (Zurich). The tangent to the fundamental rights, to strongly. A different colleague Laura Huonker (Zurich) and two other AL members saw it: “security is a fundamental right.” This, it is important to protect.

The other groups of languages, as well as Director of Security Mario Fehr (SP) for the extension of the protection against violence act. Angie Romero (FDP, Zurich), said: “Stalking is a serious offence.” An immediate contact or rayon prohibition could defuse the Situation and the victims of air give. For Rafael Steiner (SP, Winterthur) is the set of instruments in the protection from violence act “is a proven and straightforward solution”.

A contact or rayon prohibition can defuse the Situation quickly, and the victim some air get.

“Yes, but” came from the SVP. Daniel Wäfler (Gossau), announced that the group will not be voting closed: “More laws giving the state more opportunities, which we consider critical. In this case, additional competencies are necessary.” Of the opponents of the SVP, no one and then went on to word.

Convinced of the law of environment-a lawyer Valentin Landmann (SVP, Zurich). The law was a step in the right direction, but sooner or later, Stalking should be a punishable offence. He knew what he was talking about, so Landmann: A confused wife had ordered for a period of time Were constantly on the address of his law office and reservations. “My Secretariat needed each hour to make it all undone,” says Landmann.

The history of unacknowledged Beat Bloch, with the remark: “In such a case, the instruments of the police, restraining order, rayon and the prohibition of eviction help, just. That can only bind the court, because it has more instruments than the police.”

police draws a positive balance

The final vote will take place in a few weeks, but it is clear: The law is approved by a large majority.

How much help Victims in a specific case, then it really is, it will show. As regards domestic violence, the police moved two years ago a positive balance. About 1000 measures per year, and nine out of ten Victims are glad of it. Often, the harassment then stop. But sometimes the reality is more complicated: it is that the perpetrators ignore any available. Then just going to court actually helps.

Created: 02.12.2019, 22:11 PM