He had been the favorite of many visitors, writes of Zurich Zoo today in a statement. Now the Zitterraal had died. He was with his 1.7 meters in length and a weight of 17 kilograms, the largest fish in the Zoo. His age remained uncertain. Estimate of the electric eel was between 15 and 20 years old.

surprisingly, his death was not for his nurse, however. The eel was already since June 2018 under increased medical supervision, because a swelling was noticed on the belly. “In September of this year, the animal found a nurse that the belly of the beast had asymmetrically deformed”, i.e. in the message.

coconut large ulcer

On Wednesday, the eel was placed according to the Zurich Zoo in anesthesia. Actually, you wanted to remove a metallic foreign body from his stomach. You have not found in the search, a about coconut large ulcer had been discovered, from which you have taken from a sample. Unfortunately, not succeeded then, the electric eel from the anesthesia, Wake up. The exact cause of death would now be investigated.

Uses Stromstöss to hunt: The last week of the dead electric eel when you eat. Photo: Edi Day/Zoo Zurich

when a new electric eel in an Aquarium is to collect, according to the Zurich Zoo, is still unclear. The now deceased animal was on 4. June 2010 as adult fish to Zurich come.

electric Eels have special muscles. The South American fish can produce electrical energy and current surges, which can use it for orientation and hunting. (sip)

Created: 02.12.2019, 08:29 PM