On Wednesday, the fight was decided. the SRF announced that the “Late update” with Michael Elsener is discontinued, and “Deville” as the only Late-Night Show remains. The Team of Dominic Deville cheered, Elsener, however, found as scrap in front of the SRF building, holding a Cardboard sign with the inscription: “Free to go”.

Three years has used the SRF to declare the end of “Giacobbo/Müller” a new Satire figurehead. The way there was not only funny, wear great, and yet SRF has made a lot of right.

replace A years of habit Show “Giacobbo/Müller”, is actually an impossibility. Because from the beginning stands: It will never more give something in of this kind, it will only be nearly as popular. Not because the show was so unattainable good, but because the media has changed consumption significantly. And nevertheless, it is the New always in the Old measure.

to make the impossible, possible, sent, SRF, and three new satire shipments into the race: “Müslüm TV”, “lateral thinker” with Michel Gammenthaler and “Deville”. Surprisingly, it survived with “Deville”, of all things, those with the lowest rates. A former Punk and a trained kindergarten with the Lucerne dialect, which is peeling in a Zurich night club is a wild Show, this was not necessarily a majority, but something refreshing and New.

“While the one-player and the comedian team Elsener convinced, fell the Moderator.”

In consequence of Deville alternated with the development of new, “Late update”, the news-driven Late-Night Shows such as “Last Week Tonight” in the United States, or the “Today Show” in Germany-oriented. Moderator of the Zuger Michael Elsener was, so far, especially as the noises are known.

The broadcast has started at a blistering pace. At least with regard to numbers of viewers. The curiosity effect, however, was not long. In the second season, the odds broke in. And this in spite of a political satire ideal environment around the elections. To use the large media presence due to an allegedly sexist slogan and the Protest of the FDP party President Petra Gössi could Elsener.

What went wrong? SRF spoke at the “Late update” to a lot of pure, so you hear. “Deville” has in this respect than externally produced broadcast actually slightly better conditions. However, this is not more than a side aspect. While the one-player and the comedian of the team convinced to Elsener, fell off the Moderator. The blonde boy seemed often as if was more important to him to teach the audience and to convince you of a political concern than to be funny. A missionary has been waiting for on Sunday night, no one.

“Deville” has significantly more Power, is bolder, louder, faster; as a result, the elements are also suitable for distribution on Social Media channels. SRF can be no accusation made. The three-year trial phase for “Giacobbo/Müller” was a Geknorze, has paid off but in the end.

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Created: 01.12.2019, 00:48 PM