the Government has promised that it will make a presentation to the new country medical care organization by the end of 2019.
Antti Rinne (sd.) government planned that the 18 self-governing provinces take responsibility for the Finnish social and health services. New to the country turning its own separate solution.
Helsingin sanomat told in early November (you move to another service), that one option is to share a giant Uusimaa five parts: four provinces and helsinki will be given to provincial tasks.
Also the region’s largest cities, Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa leaders have advocated one province smaller areas.
Sote-counties and county equivalent cities should be in this model, so in the end 22, not 18.
First, however, should be solved by the Helsinki and uusimaa hospital district, Hus, fate.
Yle has gotten its hands on social affairs and the ministry of health HUS-working groups proposed alternative designs, where specialized care can be arranged Finland’s most populous province. A third of the finns live in a new country.
we Call them models A, B, C and D.
the Models differ in what kind of role HUSilla is them, who is responsible for the service of the organization and how the hospital district’s current tasks is shared.
A. HUS abolished and its functions divided by
HUS would no longer be a separate legal entity.Special medical responsibility is the province or Helsinki.The hospital transferred to its provincial/municipal action, in whose territory they are located.The current Hus area, specialized medical division of tasks defined by the law the rest of the country in much greater detail.In this way, safeguard the existing division of labor in different hospitals between and around-the-clock duty of maintenance as well as other Hus statutory tasks.
the Proposal can describe hus’s “worse nightmare”, and it’s not very likely, because politicians are unlikely to run down a working system.
B. Part of the Hus of the tasks moves to the provinces or to Helsinki
HUS will remain a separate legal entity.Hus of provides special medical care responsibility.Part of hus’s tasks may, however, transfer to a separate organisation agreement province/Helsinki region provinces.
hus to the invalid of service, responsibility for organising, but are politicians willing to give it control over the region services?
C. Part of the provinces of the tasks can be transferred to the husn for
HUS will remain a separate legal entity.Provinces/Helsinki are mainly responsible for special medical care for the organization.The law laid down tasks, responsibility for organising store HUSilla.Provinces/Helsinki may delegate some of the tasks Hus the responsibility of the contract.
This model would take HUSilta power, the provinces would decide.
D. Shared responsibility for organising Hus and between the provinces of
the Model would correspond, in many respects, the current situation, the responsibility should be two-level.Counties would be responsible primarily for social and health care services for the organization (such as a municipality is today).HUSilla would be a secondary law defined the responsibility for providing specialized medical care.Hus responsibility for organising cover for the new country’s urgent specialist medical care and other specialized medical care to the extent counties do it the treatment.HUSiin should be focused on the law, for example, the new country’s emergency operations and obstetrics.Provincial and Hus between done organising the contract with the treatment of the shift to a specific level from the basic level, i.e. the existing health centers.This arrangement is intended to reduce expensive special medical care use.Agreement on the objectives and substantive requirements of the provision in the law.Specialized medical in addition to organising agreement can be agreed, for example, the new land of common support services, such as imaging, drug management and data management.The goal is that the patient get the most basic and specific level of service would form one functional whole in a new country, and the responsibility would be gaps.
This is hus’s proposed interim model B:n and C:n between.
Helsinki and uusimaa hospital district area has a population of 1.7 million people. The new country’s makers are driven to the province from other provinces differ from its own sote-the solution.Kalevi Rytkölä / YlePoliittinen decision HUSista soon
Last Juha Sipilä (kesk.) the government wanted to form a new country one sote-the area, what in particular the Helsinki objected vehemently.
One of the giant province were feared to endanger the smooth treatment chain, i.e. the one sote-reform of the key objectives of services integration.
the Present government has set up a new country sote-the solution for monitoring and steering groups.
a statement of personal Kari Nenonen is currently considering a separate solution. Nenonen is hus’s former ceo and Vantaa ex-mayor. Survey made in cooperation with the region’s cities and towns with.
the political decision for the new country’s social and health care services the organization is expected to the end of the year.
in October established a separate HUS-working group, whose mandate ends in November.
Its task is to solve the Hus station new country specific model. Group assignment is presented in these boundary conditions:
1. HUS was a separate legal person, whose tasks shall be to the law.
2. So the responsibility would be entirely the province and the hospital DISTRICT would be equivalent to the provision of services.
3. Organisational responsibility should be present partially shared.
the Helsinki and uusimaa hospital district is currently 24 municipal-owned consortium, which is the responsibility of the member municipalities of the inhabitants specialised medical care. In addition to this HUSiin is focused on the whole of the country with many rare and difficult diseases.
Hus duties also include special medical care, teaching and research, which is also a security need to include in the model.
Read more:
a new earth sote independent solution turning in top – free mountain: “I still don’t see a rational reason why the province model I should go.”
the metropolitan sote-the rebellion accelerated: the ministry of launching a separate statement of – “stumble bones to learn that is to cooperate”
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