the Arts promotion centre Taiken has just unveiled this year’s art of the state awards of the Finnish national opera in Helsinki. A total of 14 of the very best rewarded for his work with Finnish art arena.

the film the art of the state award for the first time in the history of film critic and journalist, when Kalle Kinnunen awarded. The film art of the state prize is typically shared directors, scriptwriters and actors.

Kinnunen told Yle he knew the state bar brought great pride.

– I Was confused and really taken, Kinnunen describes the reaction to that moment, when he heard he’d be rewarded.

– This seems like a vote of confidence from. Movie write critics and reporters do not belong to the film industry, so such criticism, the importance of the recognition of the feel of a substantial part.

Kinnunen is a Finnish picture magazine movie critic, but his prose is also published around the change of the Finnish media field, including Image magazine, the STT had and the Finnish broadcasting company Yle. You can read Kinnunen, the Finnish broadcasting company Yle published texts here.

Criticism see Kinnunen, according to too often, a priori, negative. Although the film critics do not, in his opinion, are movie the art of promotion, but serving the public, so serious, critical or supportive, the writing, however, develop the art of.

– by Typing in the films and treating them in the media, films rise in general public debate, Kinnunen said.

Kinnunen maintained by a picture of the behind -the movie blog was selected Helsingin sanomat monthly supplement in Finland the best blog among the year 2013. She is a European film academy member and the film of the aura board of directors. By the way the Author has excelled in, inter alia, the film information as a writer, and Love and anarchy film festival as a designer.

Kinnunen known, especially in the Finnish image magazine as a film critic, but his prose has been published in the Finnish media field broadly. The man is also Love and anarchy film festival background influence.Kalle Kinnunen

Taiken audio-visual arts committee will justify Kinnunen selection so that his työjäljessä the independence in addition to thorough preparation, art, general practices and laws of description and questioning. Raised is also the fact that the Author has made the film criticism profession, during which the culture of journalism resources have experienced a large decline.

Taiken granted Kinnuselle already in 2016 a three-year arts journalism fellowship.

“it’s great to live in a time where women have marched musa’s factors out”

One of the state’s art award recipients is PMMP and since then, vesala known as artist Paula Vesala . Musicians are called “multi talent your visionary your own music in addition to compose and write lyrics for other artists”.

Vesala told Yle it attaches to the recognition received from the “bewildering fancy”.

yes, I do Feel that I am a factor only at the beginning, although after all, it come in all sorts of done. I dream that music making would remain the same fire for a long time. This is, of course, encourage a confession, and I hope none of the wax museum was the vision.

the award in the explanatory Vesala music and lyrics of praise will resonate with the present moment, conquering and challenging pop-pop songs. His lyriikkana praise be representative of the brightest of the Finnish literary quality of the tradition. Sick of the theme of handling light in the presentation environment to create Taiken according to Vesala art sävykästä, bittersweet power.

Vesala is a happy solution to go solo. It is never too late.

– I Noticed sometimes that the Ismo Alanko made his first solo album until the age of 30, and thought, what the hell, I want and very fast. Has been a wonderful time of music on this solo journey.

Taiken reasons Vesala music state award for artist of many taituruudesta and ultra modern vision of the market.Sunday Aschan / Yle

the Artist rejoices in women’s rise in the music industry in the limelight. PMMP work as a pioneer in a male-dominated world.

When PMMP started, there was so little relevant factors in the forefront, that direct, angry, sweat, suffering, joke kkyys him, all fell on the feminist and pioneer of parrot marks the beginning of a blonde joke and belittling after, Vesala said.

– it Is insanely great to live in now time, where women have marched every sector of the music factors up, and be still with myself. Next year will be 17 years tan stripes-song. Then you might sometimes feel that to keep the fencing throughout the world. Now, after doing music, no longer need to beat anyone other than himself, he decides.

vesala of the versatility of the images, inter alia, that he and composer Esa-Pekka Salonen produce together with the national opera artistic interfaces in breach of Opera Beyond the show for spring 2020. It will make use of immersive technology. Vesala has already been tried before a gig at the virtual and augmented reality.

Thus YleX wrote vesala in the chilly October gig in Helsinki : after the show I felt like a therapist can bench-press button – all work, except for that darn father-in-law

Also soprano Camilla Nylund get the music state award. He has appeared among others in Paris and New york’s Metropolitan opera. Nylund is one of Finland’s most in-demand opera artists and the Vienna state opera awarded him this year’s prestigious chamber singers title.

14 award-winning – here they are

All the art of the state awards this year for the first time together for the occasion.

the State awarded Kinnunen, Vesala and nylund, in addition to the following persons:

Architecture: Landscape architect Gretel Hemgård Design: jewellery art association ryEsittävät arts: Playwright Heini Junkkaala and dance artist Liisa Pentti Literature: Writer, Eve Shield and the poet Cia Rinne (the Shield was yle’s culture as a guest of the beginning of the year, you can read the story here.)Children’s culture: the Saami rapper Áilu Valle (Yle Sámi wrote the artist in the summer the sami people, and thus Vallesta was written in 2015.)Visual arts: artist Jukka Korkeila , photo artist Tiina Itkonen and media arts expert Perttu Rastas many in the art: Jenni-Juliet wallin tribe-Heimonen

Taiken is the ministry of education and culture under the agency. Taiken as experts in work of the state art committee decided the state awards annually.

the Prize can get “artist, artists, art critics, art journalists or art in a functional association or other entity in recognition during the last three years completed meritorious work or performance or long-term, meritorious artistic career or activities of the arts sector”.

the children’s culture state award is equal to 30 000 euros and many art 28 000. Other awards are 14 000 euros. The awards were presented by science and the minister of culture Hanna Kosonen (centre).

Read more :

a film critic to explain the world, and that is why the profession is under threat in a world where people love most their own feelings (Kalle Kinnunen)

Eve Plate, 90, is upset the elderly treatment: “Here I have warlike ideas, although otherwise I don’t the war will”

the value of the discovery expedition: a photographer Tiina Itkonen was fascinated by greenland of silence (2014)

Yle teema film festival 2019

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