the Housing price decline is no longer just a remote village of a nuisance.

Also Finland’s largest cities, there are ten broad areas, with housing price per square meter is so low, that the condominium has a loan needs to is pointless knocking on the banks door. The loan does not get, as the apartment’s value is not enough collateral in the house of the company’s renovation loan.

in Tampere, Finland’s third largest city, is a six-postal code area within the category, where homes average price per square meter is so cheap, that it is not enough for any larger renovation loan as collateral.

in Vantaa such areas is three, Oulu nine, Turku five, Jyväskylä, eight and so on.

This thing five map to tell the apartment buildings in the residential square of the average prices of Finland’s ten biggest cities in the postal code area.

in Addition to the thing at the end is table , where you can search by area the largest cities in the price data.

Source: Statistics finland.Juha Rissanen / Yle.Vain hankering to borrow too much cheap apartment

in the Ten largest cities of the 51 postal code area within the category, with the average price per square meter is below 2 000 eur limit.

Mortgage financier Hypo to keep just 2 000 eur price as a decisive threshold, when the house company is going to apply for a loan slightly larger renovation to the. Money was not invented by chance, but its based on cold calculations.

for Example, the plumbing repairs can cost a thousand euros apartment per square meter. In general, the bank qualifies the property value of about half of the collateral for the loan. The apartment price per square meter should be at least two tons, if tons of loans.

Yle dealt with the same subject, the rich two years ago. Then the critical price limit was eur 1 500. The limit has now risen to 500 euros, because of the renovation are gone.

renovation loan started to be difficult to obtain, for example, if 50 square meters one bedroom price remains below eur 100 000.

Source: Statistics finland.Juha Rissanen / Yle.

hypo of housing finance director of Päivi Salo estimates that the permit is not “a sudden bounce”, but the direction is clear – credit price limits will increase.

– Without more direction is upward. That lead to bank regulation and collateral revaluation, more critical examination.

the Salon, according to the critical level below which means that the house company remodeling will be postponed or left up completely to do. Of course it is possible, that each resident having a personal loan company for renovation purposes.

Plumbing repairs have become more expensive and therefore also a secured mortgage have to be even more valuable, say a hypo of the housing financing manager Päivi Salo. Less than 100 000 eur and 50 square two bedroom plus loan can be difficult. Markku Pitkänen / Yle

But what happens if even ten mortgage companies in one tenant can not afford to take a personal loan? Then you may have a situation where the other inhabitants have to come to the rescue.

Then may consider publishing the other shareholders of the renovation, but the company the loan is not probably not get.

Sometimes, the other shareholders may be willing to make the renovation of one of the shareholders for, if the alternative is, say, a leaking roof. Or it may happen that the renovation is not done, the house’s condition deteriorates, the value drops, credit becomes more difficult and the downhill continued in the dark until the end.

Source: Statistics finland.Juha Rissanen / Yle.Often, the loan have to take care of inhabitants of your own

the Jyväskylä-line house company is one of the many who have bitter experience of that affordable homes can be a problem.

Just three miles from the city centre located, in 1975 built three apartment terraced house was designed to update the time this millennium.

row house in the company was designed to be a little bigger renovation all at once. Drawings were made and a contractor, I agreed with the issue. Surprisingly, however, the bank announced that the loan does not get at least the requested 160 000 euros.

line house company received new facades and glazed terraces, but the renovation loan you will need each resident to care for self. Jarkko Riikonen / Yle

the Second, third and fourth bank received the same answer. In the end the home ready for the project were given a kit of ten financial institutions.

they All get the same message. Not a loan company, but personally for each resident that can be negotiated, once the events still upset APV hosting service Ari vaskela-quality .

Source: Statistics finland.Juha Rissanen / Yle.

after The “launched halpuutus round”, as vaskela of characterizes. Renovation of compromise was out of the garbage, the yard and bike shed. Instead, the facades and the roof were updated to the new faith of the residents owned, a total of 130 000 in loans. Now the construction work has been happily straight, and more than 40-year-old house is like a reborn.

investment in Housing will get more expensive loan

then Why do banks grant residents easy personal loan as the house company for the renovation loan?

They estimate that their own home for a loan to take a resident to take care of the house and the apartment even more surely than the building company. Instead, the house company of care of can be varied. Hypo of Päivi Salo said, too, that the creditworthy tenant is granted a loan cheaper than a house company.

a Loan is a house company even more expensive, if the house has a lot of investment apartments. More expensive price to cover the higher risk. If the investor gets into trouble and leave the consideration outstanding, secured by the mortgage may be sold, but its price has been able to calculate.

Source: Statistics finland.Juha Rissanen / Yle.

in Recent years rapidly increased investment in housing is not a renovation loan in applying for the benefit. The salon speaks of “investor exposure”.

If the company has high investor exposure, is the loan price higher. When talking about more than 50 per cent will already be pretty high level.

vaskela-based according to the already 25% or 30% the investor share in the company to start raising the interest rate.

the Five maps in each postal code area, in an apartment, the average price last year, from July this year until the end of September. The statistics is compiled from actual trade prices. Included is only the prices of old apartments. For each area calculate the average price, if the transactions have been made at least six.

Look at here are the ten largest cities the price data

on the List you can arrange the area of the postal code or according to the price. The search bar allows you to search your area.

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