For decades, the business magazine “balance sheet gives it” the richest in the country, a special predicate: Who belongs to the exclusive circle of the 300 richest, is mentioned in a special edition. Who does not want to buy the magazine: We have put together a selection for you.

The Richest of the Rich

you are really rich: The Top Ten of this year’s ranking is 221 billion Swiss francs in hard. In comparison to last year, you have become 10 percent richer. At the top of the representative to the Ikea family for years. Since the death of Ingvar Kamprad and his three sons will take the place in the ranking.

The Ikea heirs are unchallenged at the top. Their wealth is estimated to be of the “balance sheet” with approximately 54 to 55 billion francs, around twice as high as that of the families Hoffmann and Oeri, behind the pharmaceutical giant Roche. New in the Top Ten Gennady Timchenko is. He has been with the Geneva-based oil trading company Gunvor Empire. Just do not it has managed the family Blocher. The “balance” of estimates of your assets to around 11 to 12 billion francs.

What many of the richest have in common is the fact that they are not found only in Switzerland. Two in the Top Ten lists, the “balance sheet” for Brazil, the Safra family and the Jorge Lemann. So more people out of the Top Ten in Brazil are found, than the Rich from the Canton of Jura, at all input in the list. The youngest Swiss Canton, and Uri, Appenzell Innerrhoden and new castle have no representatives in the ranking of the 300 Rich. In contrast, are reported Rich in Zurich, Geneva and Schwyz the most.

winners and losers

high net worth at the end of a bad year have time. It may be that the 1 billion Swiss francs is less wealth there, as in the case of the Watch Hayek.

On the other side, but there were also Wealthy, which have grown by several billion. This has to do mainly with the Situation on the stock markets. For example, the Telecom entrepreneur, Patrick Drahi benefited from his company Altice. The value of the share has gained in the course of the year 2019 by 200 per cent.

writes the “balance sheet”, has only one in every six in the rank list really assets to grow. The Rest stagnated or even lost money. In General, the assets of all of the 300 Listed has increased to 27 billion, to a combined total of 702 billion francs.

The Poorest of the Rich

Where someone stands at the top of a rank list, you must also be someone standing at the end. Added to this is of course bearable, if you continue to have a capacity of 100 to 150 million is available. Among the Poorest of the richest, there are many celebrities, not primarily with wealth.

So if all Leutenegger. Yes, you read that right: The former actor – Nickname: “the Burt Reynolds of the Alps” – and bobsledders who is fond of and often his Olympic victory emphasized, a successful business man. He has thanks to his Hans Leutenegger AG 100 to 150 million Swiss francs. The company employs around 1000 staff and staff provides services in various industries. Leutenegger, soon 80 years old, has constructed the company yourself.

Michelle Hunziker and her husband Tomaso Trussardi made it just barely on the list. Trussardi, the Italian fashion brand Trussardi rich. However, the two are less wealthy than before. In the past year, the “total estimated” the assets of the two 250 to 300 million Swiss francs. The reason: Trussardi sold 60 percent of his fashion brand. The company was rated far deeper than you think.

the Situation is Different in the case of UBS CEO Sergio Ermotti looks. He is new to the 300 Rich. The balance sheet calculates: Alone in eight years as head of UBS he received 90 million Swiss francs. A package of shares with a value of almost 40 million Swiss francs comes. And also prior to his time at UBS, Ermotti has already earned well. Therefore, it is estimated his fortune at 100 to 150 million Swiss francs.

The eye-catching: Baby feeder, cattle breeder, and tennis God

Among the 300 Richest, there are a number of families. Two of them links, most recently, a common industry. The family Hipp makes for years, especially with baby food a lot of money. Her fortune is estimated at 900 to 1000 million Swiss francs. Competition in the business of baby food, more recently, a Scion of the Jacobs family, which itself is about 10 billion. Nathalie Albin Jacobs Chairman of the Board at Nübee is. Founded in 2017, the company is currently in a large-scale campaign for your organic baby food advertises.

Quite different to money Daniel Vasella has come. He was for many years at the helm of the Pharma group Novartis and earned in his dual role as Chairman of the Board and CEO a lot of money. He got about 40 million Swiss francs per year, which earned him some criticism. After his resignation, he was gone for some time from the public focus. Today he lives in Switzerland and operates in Uruguay, a cattle-breeding. In addition, the Neo-beard sits on the Board of Directors of Pepsi. His fortune is estimated at 350 to 400 million Swiss francs.

a little more assets than Vasella, Roger Federer has. The Maestro has, according to the calculations of the “balance” of around 500 to 600 million francs. In addition to the prize money, Federer bring in front of all the lucrative promotional deals with several companies, including Rolex, Lindt, Mercedes, or even a coffee machine manufacturer, Jura, revenue in the high double-digit million range. After his resignation, must make Federer so no thought to his finances. Recently, Federer wants to use his money in an entrepreneurial way. He entered with a loud PR fanfare on the turn Shoe manufacturers On.

The Swiss in the international comparison

With your 54 to 55 billion francs, Kamprad had are undisputed Empire. However, the comparison with the wealthiest in the world shows that It goes significantly richer. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the swings in the “Forbes”list of The World’s Billionaires rose to the top, has 131 billion dollars. The Kamprad had not appear on the list: however, This has to do with the fact that a different calculation is based, which makes a direct comparison difficult.

Striking on the “Forbes”list: There’s one that is currently away from its traditional media, traditional business in the headlines with Michael Bloomberg. He was mayor of New York and now wants to be President of the United States. According to Forbes, he owns about $ 55 billion.

Even if no Swiss show up on the front seats of the “Forbes”list: Switzerland, according to the “World Ultra Wealth Report”, the second highest proportion of Rich in the world.

a Million inhabitants in Switzerland, 848 people have 30 million dollars or more. Only Hong Kong has a higher rate.

Created: 28.11.2019, 21:58 PM