look Who’s in Russia on a digital map of the world so often divided, as dictated by the Kremlin. The Apple with its map service and the weather App now follows: The annexed Crimea belongs to Russia. If you search the App for places on the Peninsula, appears to be the appropriate country specification. The border on the map runs between the Crimea and the Ukraine. Anyway, for users who open in Russia.

Russia annexed the Crimea in March 2014 after a Referendum, which the UN considered invalid. Neither the EU nor the USA – home of the Apple-group – to recognize the Peninsula as Russian territory. Nevertheless, Moscow exerts control. And because the Kremlin also controls the Russian Internet more and more, to bend him, even for international companies.

You give the “all of the effort for an objective presentation of controversial regions”,
Google said .

“Let me explain it in your terms, Apple”, tweeted by the Ukrainian foreign Minister, Vadim Pristaiko in English. “Imagine, you scream, your Design, your ideas, the work of years, and a piece of your heart of your worst enemy has stolen.” But then, no one is taking care of this pain. “That’s how it feels, when you referred to the Crimea as Russian Land.” A response from Apple, is missing.

It is not the first provider, the Moscow requirements, yields. Google maps places in the Crimea to its map service, although any country. However, if you open Google Maps in Russia, is drawn the line between the Peninsula and Ukraine as a border. Outside of Russia it is dashed.

In the spring, there were in Moscow Trouble for Google, because some of the Russian users found the Crimea as Ukrainian territory on the maps. In March, Google said, according to Russian news Agency Tass that it had corrected the error. You give the “all of the effort for an objective presentation of controversial regions,” the company said. In local versions of Google maps, as in Russia, “we follow the local law in the presentation of titles and boundaries”.

Internet censorship

Russian laws to restrict the freedom in the network, since 2011, is becoming stronger. The organization reporters without borders, which puts Russia in its ranking of press freedom, ranked 149 out of 180 countries, has published on Thursday a report on this. He describes how in Russia the Internet in the future “as Central as possible in censored and” should be monitored.

new laws will lead to the fact that in Russia not only journalists and bloggers to be prosecuted if you publish undesirable opinions. Also who’s in charge of forbidden images or texts continue, is liable to prosecution. The censorship authority Roskomnadsor since 2012, a black list of prohibited Internet sites, according to the civil rights organization Roskomswoboda is now 290’000 entries long.

A stand-alone, Russian Internet to give you more ways to monitor content, and block.

The law on a stand-alone, Russian Internet, this is true since the beginning of November, is intended to give the censorship authority, more ways to monitor content, and block. Anyone who insults religious values, or disrespectful to the state speaks, who calls to unauthorized protests or spreading information, the Roskomnadsor as a Fake News rating, is risking money – and sometimes prison sentences.

Long ago, international companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter come under pressure. So online platforms are allowed to store personal data of Russian users on Russian servers. So far, the foreign provider does not refuse to Linkedin has been blocked so already, Facebook and Twitter so far.

the secret service wants to read it

Also wants to be able to read the domestic intelligence service, the FSB, the encrypted data in mail and Messenger services. As the Russian service Telegram refused, user data and encryptions that it was locked. The lock, however, can be about VPN services bypassed. Google repeatedly had to pay fines because it refused to remove forbidden Sites, and Youtube Videos from its search results. Meanwhile, it has blocked certain Sites.

Now Apple is leaning so, with his map of the world Russian rules. The company have informed the Committee for security and corruption control in the state Duma that “the elimination of inaccuracies” in the presentation of the Crimea “finally”, let the competent Committee, in a statement. Apple think to the Russian legislation, said its Chairman Vasily Piskarev. “We see that everything is as you wanted it all, not more and not less.” He’ll be able to check that it remains so.

Created: 28.11.2019, 19:04 PM