Hungary will not participate in the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC). The Hungarian state media holding MTVA justified this step on Thursday with a “technical decision”.

they wanted To promote, instead, “the talents of the Hungarian light music , and this brought about value-creating productions”. The Holding rejected the accusation that Hungary avoid the European competition, because he is sometimes a homosexual Aesthetic transport.

This suspicion had expressed several West European media. MTVA, including the state television, dismissed such reports as under: “This on the sexual orientations of the reference media opinions violate the human dignity of the press, ethical standards and the rule of law,” wrote MTVA according to the state news Agency MTI. “However, the question arises, why this is the do about media reporting.”

“homosexual fleet demonstration”

“We want to state that we pay in connection with any production, event, or event on anyone’s sexual orientation,” wrote the state-owned media holding. Background of homophobia-accusations, a statement of the Pro-government journalist Andras Bencsik on the ESC was. This was a “homosexual fleet demonstration,” he said at the end of October in a talk show of Pro-government private channel HirTV.

Hungary is not allowed to participate “from a mental hygienic reasons” in mind. “Screaming shemale and bearded women” would have devastated the ESC “the taste of the audience,” said Bencsik more. “Forget it, we loaded this with Conchita Wursts, tasteless, forced, propaganda, Festival of otherness.”

Hungary took part since 1994 in the ESC. The greatest of the Hungarian ESC the success of the past ten years, was presented the 2014 fifth place with the song “Running”, the Andras Kallay-Saunders. (fal/sda)

Created: 28.11.2019, 18:42 PM