a Large part of the high school students have to study to be meaningful. Your high school education are mostly satisfied.

instead, the enthusiasm of the students towards experiencing the high school survey (switch to another service) according to the clearly fewer.

– Is cause for concern, if in high schools there be the culture, where high school students experience that they just have to continue to do, even though they need the support and help studies and workload to cope with, reflect researcher Kiira Sarasjärvi Learning and education research foundation Thing.

the high school students were presented, for example, the statement “when I wake up in the morning, I feel good to go to college”. Only one-fifth of the respondents agreed and nearly half disagreed. Students also seem to take a lot of energy.

40% will experience a study of mentally conceiving

high school survey respondents 40 per cent felt that the student is mentally heavy. Girls experience this more often than boys. One in five high school students is of the opinion that the need to add support for your studies.

High school workload has spoken in the past:

“cry of the experiment, when I was afraid, I can’t” – Yle figured out what kind of high school has worn down the most, also test your own risk

their Own study to slow down the high school view, the most own study attitude, exhaustion, as well as studies related to the workload. The vast majority of survey respondents is, however, satisfied with their own studies of their progression.

Independent study time spent varies from high school between very much. Usually high school students told to use it typical week 2-5 hours a week.

a Small group of high school students indicate that independent study is consumed them less than an hour a week. About one-fifth instead of studying independently 8-20 hours a week, and a few percent indicate that they use for studying considerably more time than this.

study instruments expenses issue every four nelle high school survey according to the study of the instruments of acquisition is economically inconvenient that a fourth high school family.Marko Väänänen / Yle

the High school student instruments is that the fourth defendant caused financial problems for them or their family. Quite a few people are still forced to leave their learning materials to buy.

the Answers after the collection is made of learning materials procurement to facilitate reform. Low-income families students can get to learn the material increases, the amount of which is less than 50 euros per month.

– I Hope that awareness of this is increasing and students are able to obtain financial support, the researcher Kiira Sarasjärvi said.

Health and well – being area of interest high school students

a high school in the survey were also asked about young people’s future plans.

the education of high school students interested in the most health – and welfare sector. In the survey, a sample of the professions mentioned was a doctor, a nurse and a biomedical laboratory scientist. High school plans still reflected the gender distribution in different sectors.

– a Large part of women want to your health and well – being sectors. Men in the technical field you were number one, Kiira Sarasjärvi said.

in Work success to help young people most of all your attitude, interaction skills and knowledge. Also education and the degree of importance of the rise important.

the first time make the high school survey (switch to another service) the material was collected in the spring of 2019. The questionnaire was answered by just under 3 000 high school students. The respondents are mainly high school first and second year students. A high school survey conducted Study and research foundation Otus in cooperation with the Finnish secondary school students union, the Union and the ministry of education and culture with. The project have also been involved in the board of education and the university of Helsinki.

see also:

Up to 8,000 eligible didn’t get to learn the material more – low-income families students 46,80 eur per month

High school new curriculum criteria for the public: courses variable credits and student counselling also after the completion of the

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