The letter box and email Inbox are already full of it: brochures and mailers Media markets, Digitecs and friends. In large letters, the speech of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Dealday and how the trumped-up Shopping Events are all hot. Cheap, cheaper and cheapest is the motto.

is it really so? Our check-list brings some peace in the supposed bargain-madness:

the demand Is there?

be careful with impulse purchases! All of the brochures and low prices have a goal: to convince a purchases, not to make actually. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider really good, whether or not the cheap printer, or the spot cheap TV is really necessary. Since technology is becoming more powerful and cheaper, it is also recommended to purchase equipment well in advance. The next action is determined. If you are prone to spontaneous purchases, you should make a list. So the risk of a bad purchase can be minimized. In addition, you are not angry then later that you have forgotten something.


compare Just because of retailer A claims that competition provide, and must not be for a long time. Not rarely turns out with a simple web search that a promotional price is still higher than the normal price at dealer B. If you have a wish/shopping list, a price record, the best in advance to the current low. You’ll soon see what an action really worth it.

the price of development do not track

It is important to compare prices, you should also watch how they develop over the course of time. The Price Comparison Site has, for example, with the price charts a useful aid to decision-making. As can be seen, for example, if a product costs for months all the same. Then it might be worth a purchase at a promotional price. The price is reduced but constant, you should not rush.


not Only control because the name of the product XY is on it, means that you get the same product as the competition with the same name. Some manufacturers produce various versions with different screens, memory sizes, CPUs or other Chips. Here, it is advisable to study the small print and the sometimes cryptic product names exactly. Another popular Trick is to reduce, for example, a Tablet with an expensive storage option for the price. Since you ride but still cheaper if you buy the model with less storage to an even lower price.

last year’s models to watch

It must not be always the Latest and the most Expensive. Also who picks up the last year’s model, you can frequently save. But beware: dealers know the Trick and use the opportunity to sell off in order to remaining previous year models.

decoy deals to avoid

recently, it happened to the author again. To the opening of new Webshops there was an iPad at a sensational price. But lo and behold, the offer was already sold out. Even more annoying is, of course, if you go extra for it in a Store. Then no short-circuit only active action! Especially when next to the empty shelf happens to be a similar product to the higher price.

additional cost

You know the printers, coffee machines and vacuum cleaners: The device is cheap, but cartridges and bags cost a fortune. This also applies to subscriptions, accessories, and insurance companies. Especially in the case of the Latter, one should consider well and to estimate, whether you need them. Also, the follow-up costs you should keep in mind. A 4K TV may be tempting to cheap. But then you need a more expensive Netflix subscription for a 4K-capable Apple TV, etc.

test reports

It’s supposed to be, of course, to inform yourself before making a purchase. The experience shows again and again how rarely that happens. So here is the call: read reviews, watch Youtube Videos, and ask friends for their experiences.


If you are on the search for a new device, it is worth only a Budget set. Especially in the case of the discount festival, the risk is high to spend more than you really wanted to. And they fit just with installment payments!

a price Is too good to be true, it may be due to the fact that a dealer has imported the product itself. That is, while commendable, can take revenge but later on, in case of a warranty. It is important to look carefully or even ask.


Only 37 pieces of the 500 can! Still 16 minutes and 12 seconds! Countdowns are a popular way to show in web shops, as just an article. Do not unnecessarily put under pressure. Take a deep breath and the above check list of some of the Black Friday frustration prevents go through. You can’t resist, the purchase might subsequently cancel or return.

Who love to be photographed, white-priced second-hand to appreciate lenses. But also for other products, a look on Ebay, Ricardo and co. Just at Apple, recommended devices should, as in the last few months, new mobile phones, Tablets and Laptops are on the market, currently many good deals on Second-hand platforms. The potential for savings can rival that of any action.


on the one Hand, dawdle, you should not push. On the other hand, you should not dawdle either. Most traders turn to midnight your offers online. It can be worth to stay awake or set an alarm. Not that you can see in the Morning that the dream deal is already sold out. Crucial seconds you’d save if you log on before midnight in the Webshop with the user account. One should also not be alarmed if the websites respond to the enormous crowds a little slower than usual.


forget Not only devices, there are cheaper during these Shopping days. It is worth to keep in the App Stores for discounts on the look-out. Many mobile Apps, Desktop programs, and subscriptions to web services are expected over the next few days cheaper (sometimes even half price). Of course, the above rules apply also here. A tip: Who does not like to look for discounted Apps, take a look in the App Charts. In the spirit of swarm intelligence others have declined the work for you already and the best bargains are popping up in the lists.

if you Have questions about the Black Friday and alleged bargain – our author, you will be happy to answer on Twitter and Telegram:

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This article originally appeared on the 21. November 2018. For this year, it has been adapted by the author again easily.

Created: 28.11.2019, 06:57 PM