the Finnish stop is ace collective dispute is finally a chink of light visible. The kingdom of the mediator Anemone Piekkala will give you the Tuesday night a new settlement of the Postal strike negotiations regarding.

the Covenants shall be approved by the reconciliation bill still not administrations. Answers deadline is Wednesday morning at 10.

palta, ceo of Tuomas Aarto and the workers representative PAU:the president Heidi Nieminen still do on a Tuesday night told the solution to the content of the proposal.

according to them, the package sorting which the proposed solution was born the day the result of negotiations, which is why the content of the agreement is administrations still unknown.

the reconciliation proposal is the Postal dispute, the third. The previous settlement proposal was filed on Sunday.

YlePostin lead enjoys the minister’s confidence

the owner of the control of the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd) told Yle A-Studio on Tuesday night that he acted in the Mail työkiistassa always just on the basis of information which he has at any given time has been.

Paatero said that did not want to believe the Mail message from the ambiguously on purpose. Paatero, according to the totality of things has, however, been reviewed.

paatero, according to the Postal executive continues to enjoy his trust.

Most Paatero played on Tuesday night, the same thing that was already told earlier. He stressed that he had received to know the mail of the intention to make the movement of the transfer and thus transfer the 700 package to be a picker the most favorable collective bargaining agreement covered only after the decision had already been made.

the minister also reported that the state secretary of the working group consists of mid-January by the blanks on how the state intends to proceed as the owner of the Post terms.

Read these:

postal strike new settlement proposal, the answers to Wednesday morning – Paatero: Post game rule discussion

the minister Paatero postiki list: rules of the game to discuss the Post with go, confidence is not gone

Paatero to admit that alarm bells should have been ringing the Mail contract in the transfer: “This is the room for improvement, humanly can I it admits”

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