you have flooded the city unawares, and now you are causing Trouble because they are either in the way or your users criss-cross through the area: driving a electric Scooter. Are touted the vehicles as a cheap solution for the “last mile”, i.e. the distance between public TRANSPORT stop / station and door-to-door. But is this true?

so Far, the was check hardly. Figures and statistics that might reveal, for example, belong to the well-kept secrets in an industry in which competition and price pressure is huge. And even about the ticket prices, you can inform yourself as a Consumer, only then, when you load the App, the provider and a user account is opened. Only the E-Bike provider Smide and Publibike publish their prices online.

scooters are expensive

But now, ETH Zurich has published a study that sheds some light into the darkness. For months, a master’s student Starkadur Hrobjartsson has collected the data from the Apps Tier, Circ, Bird, and Smide and Publibike and analyzed (Lime is not missing, because the company was at the beginning of the study in Zurich). In his study Hrjobartsson compared on the basis of this base price, availability and travel times and public transport.

The most important conclusion from the extensive data set maintainer Roland Schmid summarizes: “Trottinette be much point: they are slower and only on very short distances, cheaper than public TRANSPORT and E-Bikes.” Once the travel time exceeds three minutes, the cost is very fast much higher than with Tram and Bus. As for the use of the Scooter, it currently pays a base fee of one franc and, depending on the provider 35 to 45 cents per Minute. A short-haul ticket in the city of Zurich costs 2.30 francs, a Ticket for the whole city network 3.10 Swiss francs.

In the outer districts of the Scooter are about 700 meters away

To clarify: On most of the rides Scooter with around ten miles per hour on the road, which is just twice as fast as a pedestrian, also the data of the ETH show. However, in four minutes, a distance of about 600 meters. Who is driving with the maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour, in four minutes, a maximum of 1.3 km. The Scooter is worthwhile financially so only on routes that can handle a good walk, and on which the gain in time is relatively low.

Also, compared to the E-Bikes, the record is not – what is the cost – much better. Smide is 25 cents per Minute anyway cheaper than the Trottinette, the same is true for Publibike, if one solves for 29 Swiss francs a month, an E-Bike subscription. And even the most expensive Publibike offer with a basic fee of 4.50 Swiss francs after ten minutes of driving, cheaper.

Why drive yet so many people scooter? “To be quite honest, I don’t know,” says Roland Schmid. “Maybe because you see them so often.” But this is true only for the center of the city. As the study shows, can quarters, the average walking distance to the next vehicle in the Outer up to 700 meters and more.

The water protection police evacuated regularly Trottinette out of the lake and the Limmat river. The provider costs 100 francs fee per piece.

A completely different question is whether the business with the Leihgefährten is profitable. Detailed Figures of the providers out back. Smide, at least for operating costs “on the path to profitability,” such as Chef, Raoul Stöckle says. Post-daughter of Publibike on the other hand is in the red. Also Bird wrote in the spring of $ 100 million loss. And recently, the “trade newspaper”, Lime have made this year a Minus of more than 300 million dollars on a turnover of 430 million dollars.

A major Problem of the Trotti-provider: at Least the first Generation of the Scooter broke down much too fast. The ETH study does not provide any information. A stir in an American online magazine that had evaluated the publicly viewable data from the Louisville caused but in March of this year, according to the Scooters have survived just one month. Especially vandalism and rough driving style to make the providers to create.

Daniel Scherrer, the speaker of the Circ, says, was developed specifically for Switzerland, a new, more stable Scooter. This would have a useful life of eight to twelve months, and the batteries were at least 500-times charge. And what happens after that? “We can’t fix a E-scooter, so we recycle it,” says Scherrer. And the batteries? “We are in talks with partners so that they can be used in a Generator to continue.”

vandalism was in Zurich, not that big of a Problem. The fact is, however, that the water protection police evacuated regularly Trottinette out of the lake and the Limmat river. The provider costs 100 francs fee per piece.

Created: 26.11.2019, 22:28 PM