If you were among the heads of the major US Tech companies, a survey of what political party you get a good especially, the result would be obvious: With Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, the Democrats, the same two major candidates for the US presidency, have announced plans to consider in the case of your choice with a break-up of Google, Facebook and Amazon.

As a much greater spectre could be, however, a young man many, not on the bill: Joshua Hawley, a Republican, and at the age of 39 the youngest of all 100 U.S. senators. In just eleven Amtsmonaten the lawyer from Missouri has introduced more legislation than some of the veteran colleague over the whole six-year term – and almost all of them are a frontal attack on the business models of the West coast giants. “He does not want to rein in Big Tech just”, wrote the US news service, Vox, a few weeks ago. “It is a world not would apparently prefer that it doesn’t exist.”

Hawley, the all Josh’s call and similar in appearance a bit of the Kennedy brothers in the sixties, is a Republican new type: modern, tech-savvy and flexible enough to cooperate where it suits, with the Democrats, at the same time, ultra-conservative, a believer and so smooth that he can easily talk to President Donald Trump, according to the mouth. He opposes Sex before marriage and abortions, and referred to the international human trafficking as the result of the sexual Revolution.

the fight against “digital drugs”

but Above all, the married father of two small sons, works in the Tech industry, he maintains, to break laws, children and adolescents for advertising purposes to exploit, to abuse your data, and you with cruel and to maltreat sexually offensive Videos. The social network Facebook, for example, he dismissed as “parasites” and distribution of “digital drugs”. “Maybe,” he said recently, “we would be better off if Facebook simply disappear.” The search engine giant Google and its subsidiary Youtube Hawley threw, the people “to go behind, to lead them astray, and to lie sometimes literally”.

Already in his short time as attorney General of Missouri, the former lawyer for Google and Facebook went. Since he took office in January Senatorenamt, he has increased the number of strokes once again. So he brought about a law that would prohibit Tech companies, to collect, without parental consent, the children’s data. The sales of video games with pay content to young people, he wants to severely limit, and he supports a bill by the Democrats that would enable Social Media users, all take their data with a provider change. Here, you can tell Hawley that he knows Social Media from their own Experience: unlike many of his Senator colleagues, he can, with facts, Figures and backgrounds from the head down-not to pray, he’s stumbling when he asked one of the Tech-bosses in a Committee hearing.

his Chance

Trump come Should year be re – elected, could Hawley be, the 2024 is ready to accept. Still no talk of presidential ambitions, but the young man from the Midwest is the Chance to hard to ignore, should they arise. As he 2017 for the election for the Post of attorney General of Missouri took, he said, full of contempt about young politicians, the public Offices only as a springboard for the further career to consider. Not even ten months after the election victory, he announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

Created: 26.11.2019, 17:31 PM