The new Zurich-based Director of construction, Martin Neukom (Green) is concerned: “The natural has for us an extremely great importance, but it’s not going well.” The biodiversity has decreased since the beginning of the last century, the world is strong, especially in the Canton of Zurich, he said today, Tuesday in front of the media. In the last few years have accelerated this process.

in the Meantime, many are especially rich in species disappeared from habitats in the Canton of almost. “The surface of bogs and fens has shrunk by around 90 percent. Of the former dry meadows and pastures are about gone 95 per cent., and of the extensive floodplains along the Zurich waters, today there are only a very few,” said Neukom.

government against a fixed amount

Now, the government thinks tax and the cantonal nature and cultural heritage Fund (NHF) to significantly increase: from 18% annually to 30 million annually, of which 40 to 60 million Swiss francs. As of yesterday, presented a counter-proposal of the government to 2018 submitted to the people’s initiative “Save the Zurich-based nature provides for it”. This requires that annually a minimum of 55 million Swiss francs are to be invested in the Fund. For nature-an Initiative of the environmental organisations Birdlife Zurich had collected, Pro Natura Zurich, WWF, Zurich, Aqua Viva and the cantonal fishery Association of 14’000 signatures.

The governing Council shares the concerns of the initiators that the measures to improve the biodiversity urgently need to be strengthened. However, in his view, the Initiative has flaws, which make their feasibility and political acceptance of the question.

The counter-proposal to a more flexible downwards, and a limit to bring instead of a fixed sum to the top, making financial policy Decisions obtain and the costs were predictable, such as Neukom said. In addition, the government wants the deposits in the funds step and not abruptly increase, so that there is time to do the necessary projects and capacity building. Further, the counter-proposal the main components of the Initiative such as the extension of the Fund for the restoration of waters take.

“We need not only more resources, but also seven to ten additional jobs.”Martin Neukom

councillor Martin Neukom. Image: Madeleine Schoder

Neukom did not conceal that an acceptance of the counter-proposal will have a significant financial impact: “We need not only more resources, but also seven to ten additional jobs.” The green building Director was convinced that the increase in the contributions would mean in the NHF a “big win for nature conservation and biodiversity in the Canton of Zurich”. Thanks to the additional funding of the Canton could receive in the future, protection-worthy areas, meadows, restore, moor Supplement areas back up and waters in their original state.

According to the New the in the nature reserves invested money also creates jobs and income. Because, there is a need for care and maintenance of new conservation areas, as well as structural measures, farmers, forest services, municipalities, and private companies. “Ultimately, it are mainly the people, the benefit of more money for conservation,” said the councillor. Also, because in the densely populated Canton of Zurich, intact natural landscapes “are important havens of rest” are contributing much to the quality of life and attractiveness of the Canton.

vote 2021

next is address of the member of the Parliament with the Initiative and the counter-proposal. A decision should be available by the end of 2020. The referendum is to be held in the first half of 2021.

But why, the Canton has reacted, not even earlier on the extinction of species? After all, already the 2015 assessment presented to the nature conservation requirements-the overall concept of the Canton of the act clearly demonstrated. Neukom admitted, “that so far too little has been done”. He wanted to say anything, which is why under his predecessor, not faster was traded.

initiator dissatisfied

The initiators show in a Communiqué disappointed. The government acknowledge the Problem and show the financial need for action to rescue the Zurich-based nature clear. He can’t handle, but then, because he wanted to be commitment to the nature, level, and especially not to the required height increase. “With this proposal, the species continue to die, as well as the loss of habitat and genetic diversity in the Canton of Zurich for decades.”

“With this proposal, the species continue to die in the Canton of Zurich for decades.”Committee of the nature-Initiative

For the SP, the proposal of the government goes in the right direction, but with a minimum of 40 million per year, “still insufficient”, as the party informs. Whether the “gap could be closed to the Necessary”, under the tyranny of the annual budget debate in the cantonal Parliament spent namely. A short-term financial planning is not appropriate in a nature reserve.

Created: 26.11.2019, 14:27 PM