The Green Regula Rytz, may advertise in a hearing in front of the group of the GLP for their Federal Council candidacy. The party wants to invite the Bernese national councillor in a week to a Hearing, such as GLP-President Jürg Grossen, the SRF broadcast “this Morning” said.

The GLP wool make it possible for their many of the new members of Parliament tare in the group next Tuesday, Rytz, and your Motivation. This is one of the a good opinion-forming process, said Large.

GLP and SP prior to decision-making

If the green liberal Rytz will support, however, is open. On the one hand, the claim of the Greens for a seat in the government is understandable, said GLP-President Great. On the other hand, the party has to be deselected according to his statements, but reservations, a President of the Federal Council.

The green party President Regula Rytz had launched her candidacy for the General elections of the Federal Council, last Thursday, inspired by the historical headquarters of their party to win the parliamentary election in October.

the ambitions of The 57-Year-old suffered but right at the beginning of a damper. So the SVP and the FDP said on Friday, as well as the CVP on Saturday to support the Green in your attack on one of the two FDP Federal Council seats officially. In addition to the GLP, the SP has not yet decided on a possible support of Rytz. (sda)

Created: 26.11.2019, 07:29 PM