The Geneva airport has for years been on a course of expansion. By 2030, the annual passenger will rise from today’s 17.5 million to 25 million. The Federal government has approved for the time after that, already 236’000 flight movements per year (today 191’000). This, in turn, would mean that all of a minute and a half starts on a plane or lands. The future of flight regime would, in addition, thousands and departures between 22 and 24 at allow.

The Geneva observe and Geneva the expansion plans for your Aéroport with increasing skepticism. Your discomfort expressed at the weekend in a popular vote. About 56 per cent were in favour of the Green party launched a constitutional initiative. This requires that the Geneva cantonal Parliament, the airport expansion has the last word, and for a “balance between economic, social and cultural need and the harmful effect to man and the environment” provides.

The Constitution obliges the Canton as the sole owner of the airport, to take for the protection of the population in the future, appropriate measures against the noise and the emissions of greenhouse gases. At risk is the airport expansion in order?

Symbolic vote

“For an evaluation, what does this mean for the possible development of the airport, it’s too early,” says airport spokesperson Madeleine von Holzen. As an Institution of public Law, you have taken in the referendum campaign in a neutral Position, and animals don’t, so the speaker is now the result.

In the Department of the state Council Serge dal Busco, the airport is affiliated, gives you a clear sense of composure. The vote was symbolic in nature and have on the operational side of the business and its development, no impact, said spokesman Roland Godel. The lawyers in the Department would now prepare a law that require his time. In the future, whether it be simple so that the Parliament with additional reports to be submitted would, says Godel.

“The tolerance limit was already exceeded. The Cohesion of the Canton of Geneva is in danger.”Lisa Mazzone, Councillor Green

Lisa Mazzone, Councillor of state and a co-founder, sees it differently. “It would be harmful if the Geneva government, after this vote, their activity continues as usual, and once again, a democratic decision would put,” warns the green politician. The airport was important for the Region, recognizes Mazzone. He could, however, be operated at the expense of the population.

“The tolerance limit was already exceeded. The Cohesion of the Canton of Geneva at risk,” she says. The people have made with the people’s vote that it has from the noise, in particular during the night, and the pollution of the environment enough. “The Constitution obliges the government to take counter measures and to negotiate with the Federal government, again through the development plan”, the Genevan.

Airlines promise of improvement

The Airport management tried to short before the vote of adoption of the Initiative counter. At the end of October you announced an agreement with the airlines to Swiss and Easyjet . The two Airlines will be responsible for in Geneva, 57 percent of the flight movements. We have established a platform with the aim of limiting the number of scheduled departures as a result of delays after 22 clock, and thus against noise emissions proceed, the Aéroport. He wants to reduce by an additional access to the runway by the aircraft noise.

The Airlines promise, thanks to the additional time reserves in the pre-flight planning and special whose flights are delayed improvement treatments. The agreement will be implemented as planned, and also in the sense of the people’s initiative, is the response from the Department of transport Director Serge dal Busco.

Created: 26.11.2019, 07:40 PM