It was ten years ago that the tips of the University hospital presented a bold proposal: construction of a new building in Stettbach. Spitalrat and Directorate had compared two scenarios, a total renewal at the old site and a page on the green Meadow. The former hospital Director Rita Ziegler saw clear advantages in a transfer. To name just one: patients, as well as the staff of a decades-long build missions spared.

However, Ziegler failed due to the resistance of professors. Research and teaching are not likely to pull out of the city, they argued, is in the vicinity of the University and ETH Zurich for the success of the medicine place Zurich is mandatory. The government followed the line of reasoning and decided in November 2011 to build the hospital at the existing location.

The catch is like an open-heart surgery. This has not yet begun, because the planning is time-consuming and tedious. The Start is short. The beginning of the year, the first major project was presented: the new entrance building of the hospital, comes to stand in the Gloriarank, designed by Basel architects Christ & Gantenbein. To him must yield to existing buildings, including the clinic for dermatology.

The University hospital main building in the city centre, this is now to be with additional locations added. Photo: Keystone

in Order to cope with the large tag, needs areas of the hospital Castling. It has built therefore, in the hospital Park in a modular building, and recently put into operation. But not nearly enough to cover the space needs. Therefore, the hospital outsources large-scale departments.

research in Schlieren

it all Started in Schlieren. Seven years ago, the first medicine are drawn researchers to the Wagi-Areal, where a type of its biotech Park is. In the meantime, several University hospitals operate a total of 8400 square meters, research and diagnostics. In 2018, the University hospital has also based in Schlieren, Service – and logistics center, a total of 10 300 square meters. In addition to the Central warehouse and a processing facility for medical products in the building also houses training rooms.

“To give rental costs, we, in principle, no information.”Unispital

in Addition, the University hospital opened this year, a further outer location in Stettbach. 600 employees of the Administration reins in December in two new office buildings near the train station, where they occupy a 10’500 square meters. As to costs, the University hospital is silent. To give “rental charges we, in principle, no information”, inform. Industry experts estimate the price per square metre in the area in question on a 250 Swiss francs, resulting in an annual rent of approximately 2.5 million.

Central location in the Circle

Much more expensive it will be for the Unispital in the Circle. There it laid next the fall of large parts of its outpatient services, in order to create the main seat. Prior to the three clinics for dermatology, ears, nose, throat and eyes of many of their patients has in the future of the airport.

At the airport will occupy the Unispital 10’000 square meters in house 13. Photo: Andrea payer

The University hospital is a major tenant in the 180’000 square meters large complex of buildings, is currently leased to two-thirds. It occupies 11’000 square meters in a Central part, front to the right of the main entrance. Ask for the rent to leave the hospital and the airport, which the Circle belongs to, unanswered.

According to TA research, was called to the airport at the beginning compared to other hospitals, prices per Square metre of 1000 Swiss francs and more. In the meantime, he has lowered the prices but. According to insiders, the University hospital is expected to pay between 400 and 500 Swiss francs. This results in an annual rent of about 5 million Swiss francs.

Expensive interior

This includes 48 million for the interior, as Director Gregor Zünd announced on-site leadership for senior executives from the healthcare sector. So is installed a linear accelerator, and the University hospital will operate on the Circle are also three operating theatres for small interventions – such as to the eyes.

Gregor Zünd raved in front of the colleagues on the excellent transport links of the new the outside Agency: Intercity trains, S-train, two trams and a dozen buses. And of course the flights. Where these are less important. Because the University hospital is not on rich foreigners, said ignition. “This is not our job.”

“of all things, a deficit in the area will be moved to the most expensive real estate.”Anonymous hospital Director

In the industry, is commenting on the new hospital site in critical. One wonders how the can’t financially rise, because the rates for outpatient treatments are cost-covering. “Of all things, a deficit in the area will be relocated in the most expensive property”, wonders a hospital Director.

attributed to How the University hospital is not known. It is certain that the outer stations will not be suspended again so quickly. You will probably even stay definitely. Because in the center has reduced the building volume by 30 percent, to appease the critics from the quarters. This was only possible thanks to the outsourcing to Schlieren, Stettbach and Zurich-Kloten,.

conclusion: The whereabouts in the centre of Zurich brings, paradoxically, a geographical Fragmentation. And he is expensive. Alone of the modular construction, a temporary restoration, at a cost of 100 million francs, and the outer stations are hit with a year to 10 million Swiss francs to rent. For the first phase of construction is 600 million are budgeted. This includes tens of millions for renovations coming to the old building, which can not be postponed. Because until the new University hospital is, it still takes at least 20 years.

Created: 26.11.2019, 08:49 PM