Prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) and several ex-ministers commented on the Monday HS news Veijo baltzar’s doubtful practices.

When I read that Helsingin sanomat long story, to become the kind of feeling that really shocking, Slope said on Monday the missions at Moscow when talking to reporters.

If true, it means that the image, which I had Veijo Baltzar, a shocked very.

Helsingin sanomat (you move to another service) told the Sunday extensively as a theater director and writer baltzar’s, 77, practices. According to the newspaper Baltzar manipulate, close and control the theater of his underage girls and young women in rate from 2011 to 2018. Police suspect Baltzaria aggravated human trafficking. He was arrested last Thursday. Baltzar denies all doubts.

Several ex-ministers not like you on Monday, why they have not heard baltzar’s activities in the past. Cases time to comment (you move to another service) as well as the foreign minister of Pekka Haavisto (gr.) that the president of Tarja Halonen .

Haavisto was in HS (you move to another service) according to the sorry fact that his position has been used in baltzar’s community to boost.

the use of Baltzarille in 2011, the cultural counsellor, honorary title. The honorary title was awarded to “the normal way” (switch to another service), Halonen comment HS:for.

There has been an application, and when there hasn’t been any reason to deny it, so yes, it is called, Halonen said.

Baltzar interested ministries

ministry of culture and education was inspired by the 2011 cultural counsellor Veijo baltzar’s pedagogical retreats and decided to do a Humanities polytechnic (Huma) a description of this teaching methods. The purpose was to determine whether baltzar’s experiential teaching methods into a model more general polytechnic education in the arts.

the ministry of Education, the current chief of staff Anita Lehikoinen said, that the evidence obtained by that method would have been theoretically integrity and ethics. The report was on the contrary very critical. Lehikoinen was at that time higher education and science policy director of the department.

principal Lecturer Hanna Laitinen the Humanistic university of applied sciences participated in the research act. He told Yle that it was quite a new type of mandate.

His research with his colleagues baltzar’s texts and manuscripts, as well as interviewed baltzar’s participated in education or training. In addition to the researchers themselves participated in the educational section, which Baltzar pulled.

the researchers baltzar’s doctrine

the Encounter Baltzar was Laitinen according to very different than what scientists were accustomed to.

– Partially methods were the same as in drama pedagogy, but there were also parts that weren’t ethically sustainable, Laitinen recalls.

baltzar’s way of working attracted according to him, the participants quite a lot of emotions.

It was related to the way in which education was discussed personal matters, Laitinen said.

baltzar the method includes according to him, the control risks and conflicts huma’s pedagogical views and the teacher’s general professional ethics.

There were these ethical risks yet this other site, Laitinen said.

the Humanities university of applied sciences Huma report (go to another service) end up with a critical evaluation of baltzar’s pedagogical retreats. According to the researchers involved the dangers, and they do not recommended method of development forward.

However, any violation of law was not observed.

– any criminal activity refers to the not been noted, nor is it that the education should be involved in minors, said the rector of the Jukka Määttä.

in Arrears may, however, ask why the report was not informed at the time of publication more widely, for example, entities that finance cultural projects?

the Data is not passed through sufficient authorities funding bodies, of which there are many. It can be said now. Then it is not understood, because it was just a single project, chief of staff Lehikoinen said

Arhinmäki upset

the culture minister at that time served Paavo Arhinmäki (left.) told yle on Monday that he was shocked by the Helsingin sanomat yesterday’s news and he wonders now, where the data baltzar’s unethical to be detected from the operation was buried.

Arhinmäki says he heard the first report after reading about it in the newspaper on Sunday. The report was done, according to him the scientific side and it had been informed by the ministry of culture side.

the Then education minister Jukka Gustafsson (sd.) in turn, asks how it is possible that Baltzar was a long time before the incident was revealed. He does not remember having heard the report nothing when it was released.

the Then higher education and science policy department director, the current chief of staff Anita Lehikoinen said that the report buried anywhere.

It has been public and there for all to see, all these years, he said.

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