“Hello, here I am – the New, the Unknown!” Radiant, with a loud voice, and all haste Silvia Breher presented at the Congress of the CDU as Vice-Chairman for the election. You would also have to be able to say: “The one with the hair.”

The 46-Year-old, falls among the many elderly gentlemen. Her platinum blond hair she wears on the side and the top feathered. Also fashionable it tends to extravagance: In Leipzig, you wore shiny, high boots, tight pants with a red seam, white shirt, black Blazer, dark red lipstick.

Still a lot more unusual than your lift your way in the policy was, of course. Breher’s only been two years in the Bundestag. Your court she has won against three men, and in a spectacular way, namely in a primary under the 2000Christdemokraten your lower Saxon constituency. Despite strong competition she won with 70 percent of the vote. “That was mega cool.” In the Bundestag, elected directly, with 58 per cent – the best result in the whole of Germany.

Even more amazing is that Silvia Breher was before really politically active: they had no office in the party, none in the municipality. You never been part of the Junge Union, underwent the “ox tour”, the Christian democratic politician is typical.

The one with the hair.

your origin is unusual: she grew up on a small farm in the deep Catholic Oldenburg münsterland. As a young woman she, was studied lawyer, and finally managing Director of a local farmers Association. There, they turned out to be so competent and hands-on, your sponsor, they contributed in the end to the policy of quasi.

such A catapult launch is in Germany, paradoxically, only in a party like the CDU, which is remained despite of strong women at the top in the core of a typical gentlemen and notables of the party. As now among the five Vice-chairmen, a replacement for Ursula von der Leyen was looking for, the from 1. December, the EU sent to the Commission in Brussels, were the in Germany virtually unknown Breher circumstances, a maximum of cheap: The candidate should be come from lower Saxony, also, the fact party leader insisted Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, not necessarily a woman. At the end of the pre-selection of the party leadership fell to Breher. You benefited, not least from an informal quota for women, which she had rejected as a mandatory in the past.

In Leipzig, was elected to Breher, with 82 percent of the vote, brilliant. The result was obviously a advance on a performance that have yet to be established. Kramp-Karrenbauer expected that the CDU is a family program for the 21st century. Century writes.

The novice in the highest party circles know what it’s about: her three children are all still at primary school age, as a mother, she has always worked by. The last family program of the CDU by the way, has written to Angela Merkel, at the time, as Secretary-General. It was in 1999.

Created: 24.11.2019, 22:08 PM