If it is needed for the options 2019 is still a face, then it is.

It is Sunday afternoon in Liestal, even the large Canton of Aargau, has announced its election results for a long time, not to mention the Schwyzern. The Basel only bidder to make it exciting. Either you have more trouble with the Count. Or do you seek aware of the final bouquet. All 246 Seats in the Federal Parliament, only one is now not to forgive: the Basel Council of States seat.

Then, point 13.47 watch, come the results: Selected Maya Graf. By a good 2000 votes she has her FDP-competitor Daniela Schneeberger distant, on the Left, in a Canton with a bourgeois majority. Maya Graf, 57 years old, a social worker and organic farmer for the past 18 years, green national councillor, for the film “Mais in Bundeshuus” known to a wide audience and became the first Councillor of state of the Canton’s history, and the first green Councillor in the German part of Switzerland. And so it becomes the symbolic figure of the two Megatrends of this election – the green slip and the woman’s choice.

In the staging in the Basel are better than the Counting. And according to Graf, is also a point of 13.47 at occurs in Liestal government building in front of the media. Kisses, hugs, a bouquet of Flowers.

Graf’s Grand appearance

Because of Basel country has chosen late and first appeal periods, is Graf’s election result only on 5. December officially. That’s why you must be on 4. December, the legislature will begin again as a national councillor. But what “must mean”? You must! Because Maya Graf comes again to a large appearance: As a now senior member of the Swiss Parliament, you will age President. So you can open up as a symbol of this green choice of Wife, even the new legislature. Only two days after that, Maya Graf, will go in the Council of States.

There, she enters a chamber that is hardly recognizable. The Stöckli, this bedrock of stability, experienced the largest circulation for at least a century. 23 Ständeräte, half of its 46 members, are new. 20 seats were kicks by back free, 3 Council members were voted out of office, the CVP-representatives Filippo Lombardi (TI), and Beat Vonlanthen (FR), as well as the SVP-man Werner Hösli (GL).

such A renewal rate has experienced the Stöckli since 1919, never. This is evident from a document entitled “list of final Disposals from the Parliament”, the slumbers far down in the parliamentary archives. Further back than to the year 1919, the available data are not enough.

The new Council of States is not only strong and younger, but also female. During the national election, the women achieved a new record rate of 42 percent. This Trend is continuing in the Council of States: New 12 women sitting in the Stöckli, the is more than in the previous record year of 2003, and almost twice as many as in the last legislature.

politically, the SP the big loser is. Your Deputation is shrinking by 3 to 9 seats, in spite of the Wahlcoup of Marina Carobbio in Ticino. The office of Pascale Bruderer (AG) loses the SVP , 3 more seats in new castle, Vaud and Basel-land, switch to the green competition.

Total and hold the Green new, 5 seats. They would also be in major zwahlen so successful, one could expect even less than their landslide victory in the national Council. Together, the SP and the greens on 14 seats to the United Left in the small chamber was never.

the SVP is only the SVP can expand your representation to submit to

in addition to the Green – to take a seat on the new 6. The people’s party can do that, although you must assign this Sunday one of their 2 seats in Schwyz to the CVP and, despite the dismissal of Werner Hösli in Glarus. Thanks to seat win in Aargau (Hansjörg Knecht), Bern (Werner Salzmann) and in Ticino (Marco Chiesa) can more than compensate for the SVP of their seat losses.

the Strongest force in the Stöckli, the CVP remains, however, with 13 Seats: The two Abwahlen in Ticino and Freiburg is the seat of profit in Schwyz is facing. The FDP retains 12 seats and remains the clear second strongest force.

CVP at the controls

Quite different from the ranking of the groups, which include the Ständeräte and national councils (see graph). The SVP remains the clear number 1, followed by the SP, and the middle group, from CVP, EPP, and BDP . The FDP is only the fourth largest group, followed by the Greens with 35 Seats.

The most influential force in the newly formed middle group is about. Without you neither the right nor the Left can form a majority in both chambers. This Power will be able to play the middle in the property, plant, and shops, but also in the Federal Council election.

For Maya Graf, who became this Sunday a symbolic figure of the historical women – and green choice, it is clear that the Greens have been good for a seat in the Federal Council. In the government building of Liestal she said after her electoral victory keck: “The FDP can decide which seat she wants to make.”

Created: 24.11.2019, 21:48 PM