Remo Ryser, why it needs a fathers Advisor?
I start with my own experience: When I became a father, I felt with questions about the child development when mothers and fathers advice well taken care of. What was missing for me, was a male, with whom I could discuss my father’s role.

And the other fathers are missing?
Yes, this is also a survey that we conducted showed that the fathers of the exchange with other fathers is missing. There is a lack of role models to them. Many fathers stay alone with your questions. Would you like to talk with a father who also brings in the family who is experiencing the same hurdles and tensions.

What are the voltages?
The majority of the fathers tries to be both: a full-time breadwinner and a committed daddy. This field of tension between Tradition and Modernity brings many fathers are under tremendous pressure. Also because politicians and employers are moving slowly, so that every father and every family has a real choice.

“to Me, it is a concern that men realize how important they are for the development of their children.”

mothers experiencing the Same, just with the opposite sign.
Exactly. Both claim it in full, because there is no fixed Roles anymore. It applies to parents, much to each other to negotiate.

you advise since August, the men on fathers phone. What are the Concerns of these fathers?
Common themes, conflicts, and tensions in the family. The parents have different ideas of childcare, and the father does not know how he can raise this with the partner. Or a father wants to build a relationship with his child, but the access to this vulnerable little Baby. But there are also fathers who are inspired by their new role and more likely to have questions such as: What can I do with my child company?

How do you support the fathers?
I listen to only once, out of the question. To me it comes to find your way. I would like to strengthen the fathers of the back. To me, it is a concern that men realize how important they are for the development of their children. That you can help to shape their place in the family active in Teamwork with the partner. I want to bring you into the game.

“fathers don’t want to be as assistants or interns are treated.”

not all fathers want to be involved in the family.
That’s right. A part of the fathers experienced father be present not as an enrichment and does less family work. Also, their children usually are not matter, you just can not find a way to, in a satisfactory manner in the family to contribute. Also partly because they left behind or out of place feel.

you can also Advise mothers who want more commitment from your Partner?
(laughs) Yes, I see myself also as a kind of Fathers experts, is trying to communicate the perspective of fathers.

Because the women do not give the place?
Partially. In fact, fathers take on more responsibility in the family, if they feel valued. You don’t want to be as assistants or interns to be treated.

Are there not fathers of a privileged layer, which take a lot of care work, because they can afford to work part-time only?
This is not at all my image. Also, fathers who work 100 percent, play a positive role in the development of their children, take care of yourself. There is not one right way to be a father, but a colorful variety.

“We try to make the family work equally split. We succeed but not always.”

What are you for a father?
I asked this question to my son. He said: Oh, since I have to enumerate so much! You cook with me, play with me, comforted me, argue with me, we will together clean the bathroom. For me this was the most beautiful response, because it showed that I am apparently a multi-faceted father.

The mothers and fathers advice there for 100 years. Hardly the first man that comes there is a Tam-Tam. Why is this so?
I think this has less to do with gender rather than with the pioneer. Also, the first tunnel-Builder and the first programmer received a lot of attention. Sure, it is true that the women in the mothers ‘and fathers’ advice, did a long work, which was little appreciated, and seen value.

How to share in the care of her son?
We are trying to work in the family equally split. We succeed but not always.

Created: 22.11.2019, 21:07 PM