the Supreme court (supreme court) did not change the Rovaniemi court of appeal of the solution to the outcome of Talvivaara environmental criminal cases. The former ceo of Pekka Perä convicted of a felony the destruction of the environment and former mining director of Lassi mutton island the destruction of the environment of.

in Luxembourg today, the resident Pekka Perä did not want at this stage to comment on the verdict.

see also: Winterfell-boss you disappointed when the court changed their sentences

the supreme court arrives at a solution by a vote of 3-2. Rapporteur Minna heikki strait strain did not win the vote. He presented that of this offence would not have been met, when the environmental permit was not set precise emission values for the environment to harmful substances.

If the rapporteur’s presentation would have won the vote, the judgment would still come, because winter hazard-managers were found to have the harmful substances in the environment anyway without permission.

– either One is enough. Now the length of the sentence does not need to evaluate but the court of appeal decision remains in force, told reporters the rapporteur Minna heikki salmi.

a Year ago, the supreme court granted to talvivaara Sotkamo Oy, ceo and chairman of the board who Pekka Back and the company as a production director operated Lassi sheep to the island for a limited appeal of the destruction of the environment to the penalty provision of the interpretation.

Another former Talvivaara ceo Harri Natunen did not receive appeal to the supreme court of, the issue was only resolved in this context.

the supreme court interpreted whether offence in a situation where the mine waste water releases has been the environment of harmful substances significantly more than the mine’s environmental permit application was estimated, when the environmental permit does not, however, been set for the substances concerned accurate emissions limits.

the supreme court considers that the environmental permit application and environmental permit decision kertoelma part of the recorded emissions data were part of the environmental permit and thus the environment turmelemis a crime provided for in the permit conditions.

several tens of times the permit application indicated the highest emissions had not been in the authority of the environmental permit at the discretion of the target, so the environment was discharged harmful substances also without permission.

the Poop and the sheep of the island were thus to get their material to the environment as well as the conditions of the permit in violation of that law, the required permit.

in Case there was an issue Talvivaara mining since the launch of the mine waste water in encountered harmful to the environment high quantities of sodium, sulphate and manganese. The environmentally harmful substances had been up to one hundred times the company’s environmental permit application on the information provided by relation.

at the far End was granted leave to appeal also the court of appeal on a procedural issue. The court of appeal of the solution outcome does not in this respect been changed. The supreme court also rejected the defendants ‘ leave to appeal application in other respects.

This lawsuit ended in the Rovaniemi court of appeal

the talvivaara environmental criminal cases processed in all courts from 2015 onwards. The charges issue was raised already in 2014.

the Rovaniemi court of appeal, according to the talvivaara ceo of the company and as chairman of the board mr Pekka Perä has committed a felony the destruction of the environment of the 5.5.2006–7.4.2013. The court imposed the Back 6 months of conditional imprisonment.

since the Autumn of 2012, approximately seven months as ceo of the company worked Harri Natunen, received at the court of the destruction of the environment to 100 day-fines. According to the court, Natusen crime during 28.9.2012–7.4.2013.

the mining of lead acted as Lassi mutton island was sentenced in the court of appeal within 60 days the fine for the destruction of the environment from 5.5.2006–31.3.2011 between the time.

the court of Appeal rejected the district court’s way to the head of department acted Ville Heikkinen charges.

the Graphics tell me in a nutshell, the lawsuit led to the steps.

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