No other charge will be levied against private Maritime search and rescuers on the Central Mediterranean route more frequently than that, you are a “Pull factor”. That NGO rescue boats ships such as the Sea-Watch, or the Open Arms in front of the Libyan coast of migrants from Rubber to and from Italy, so the accusation, gave the refugees a fortiori to the riser and, therefore, to increase the number of Crossings and thus also the number of the Drowned.
The Argument can be an undeniable intuitive plausibility: The more secure someone, to be out of a risky Situation is freed, the greater seems to be its willingness to take the risk. In 2017, the European coast guard Frontex wrote, the rescue actions of NGOs contributed to gangs “to achieve your goal with minimum effort”, what is the “Business model” of the Criminal strength.
Two English studies from the year 2017 came, however, to the conclusion that there is no connection between the presence of rescue ships off the Libyan coast and the number of Crossings. Both studies were based on small data material.
The weather plays a role, rescue ships
A new study comes now to the same result: The Pull-factor is, to use a fashionable expression, Fake News. The Italian migration researchers Eugenio Cusumano and Matteo Villa have studied for the Fiesole-based European University Institute all the available international and Italian data between October 2014 and October 2019 on a Pull-effect, with a negative result.
According to the Italian newspaper “Repubblica” there has been no comprehensive and systematic evaluation. Particularly accurate, the researchers examined the period from 1. Of January to the 27. October 2019. They checked each day, whether it’s a private rescue ships were in front of the Libyan coasts on the road and how many refugee boats, respectively, attempted the Crossing. Here again No correlation between NGO-ships and target Crossings. Not A Pull-Factor. Strong correlation with the weather, however, was.
Although the authors call for further research, not asking you to interfere with Maritime search and rescue.
The mind-set template from the “do-gooders”
This should prove to be an Illusion, but fits the Pull factor Thesis in one of the most popular the right ways of Thinking: those from the “do-gooder”. Do-gooders, moralists, who want to be in their naivety, the Good are, namely, to preserve in the case of the Maritime search and rescue people from Drowning. The cause of the Poor, because it has caused the number of dead increases. The Argument can be seemingly on the value system of criticism, is to meet them exactly at their most sensitive spot. It is the supposedly Good in reverse, and the more intense the do-gooders continue to pursue this logic, your goals, the more devastating the result.
to make the accusation, you need only to reduce the proportion of the allegedly “Well-intentioned” and to increase those of criminal energy. This startle Maritime search and rescue in the name of a higher morality to break the law by running around illegally in a port. Or – a further intensification of the charge – by working directly with the gangs, possibly even from financial interests.
No complicity with tractors
in Spite of intensive investigations, it is not managed by the Italian public Prosecutor’s office so far, to find evidence of the alleged complicity between NGOs and Libyan gangs. And never has the Italian judiciary, Maritime search and rescue has condemned. Instead, it is the Missiles – for example, in the case of the Cap Anamur ten years ago, or this summer at the German captain, Carola – to free spells to get, due to the international law of the sea, the Geneva conventions, and constitutional provisions. Or she has set the procedure.
Although there are still ongoing processes. But even now, we can say that it is dishonest, if NGO-the rap critic on the law, to put to the blatant disregard of the presumption of innocence and of previous court judgments, as well as due to induced Fanta focused on the Pull-effects of any baseless allegations in the world.
Created: 20.11.2019, at 18:16