winter sports day at school or a ski trip to the grindstone, right? Of these two options Lappeenranta Kimpisen school students are annually received to choose for themselves a pleasant way to spend a school sports day.

a Thousand student school students, the vast majority have been left to the school to spend the normal exercise days. Willing to do so, and those who are unable to ski trips to pay, are instead left to the grindstone for.

– the Annual excursion has gone about 150-170 students, tell Kimpisen school assistant principal Alex Model .

a ski trip to pay for basic school pupils about 40-45 euros, and includes tours and lift tickets. In addition to costs will, inter alia, the loan of equipment renting.

Money for excursions is collected directly from the parents.

This year the traditional excursion to the plans will, however, change. Tours can stay up to do it.

the beginning of the year part of the ski trip is a long tradition, it is organized for nearly 20 years.Mikko Savolainen/YlePerusopetuksen be free for everyone

the Deputy ombudsman was missing at the end of October primary school of chargeable trips (you move to another service). The deputy ombudsman has become the schools paid activity number of complaints during the last year.

its solutions to the deputy ombudsman noted that the basic education provided free of charge is unequivocal.

the Parents not to ask for money, for example, tours of the organization, but teaching the organizer will allocate adequate resources to education the organisation also outside the school.

the Deputy ombudsman will not tell more precisely, where the schools complaints has become.

School aikalisa

the education sector trade union of education OAJ does not have exact figures on how much paid trip or theme day primary schools will be held. OAJ:n education affairs Nina Lahtinen according to those, however, are common.

may Have been thought, that when there is a free option, then the paid tour of the provision was no lainva of said Lahtinen.

Lahtinen, according to the trip you are diversified their learning environments, when students are reached, for example museums and theatres.

– surely this alignment causes changes. I hope also in the municipalities with weaker economic situation, to find solutions will continue to organise excursions.

Also, the board of education plans to upgrade this year, its guidance for school excursions and camp schools (you move to another service).

– some sort of time-out should take, we can’t totally unlawful act, Kimpisen school assistant principal Alex Peltomaa said.

a trip to the possible cancellation of the annoying

seventh grade Wind Viuhko and Aino-Elina Kitinoja not once participated in school organised by the ski trip.

it is quite unequal, after all, can’t afford to pay, Kitinoja consider.

trip plans, a possible change in the annoying viuhko to.

Last year I wasn’t skiing very good, and I participated in a field trip. This year I wanted to according.

in the Seventh grade opiskelvat Tilda Vitikainen and Multi Knaapila have not participated in a ski trip.Marika Anttonen / Yle

also in the seventh grade students of the Tilda Vitikainen would also like to get to ski.

– Skiing in winter to some extent. I have not previously participated in the trip.

the Solution Vitikainen suggest that excursions can be arranged closer, in which case they wouldn’t pay so much.

Or then the school should pay for all trips.

Multi Knaapin view paid trips should not be arranged.

– After all, it’s a bad thing, after all, have no money.

the Chance to experience something new in

the deputy ombudsman of the alignment is the assistant principal at Alex’s arable land, according to the troubled. He said peru teaching free-of-charge is referred to in the constitution in and of itself clear.

– education the creation is in my opinion advanced, that the free admission applies to the learning materials and tools. These are isolated events and days with specific school wants to provide opportunities to get to experience something like that, what is not, incidentally, necessarily with your family get to experience, says Peltomaa.

Tahko ski slopes can be send, if the students are collecting money from the common treasury.February Nykänen / Yle

Peltonen, one option would be for the school to pay a few student trip osalistu time. The city of lappeenranta the corresponding teaching action director of Anu Liljeström does not recommend it, because in his opinion, it is inequality still families.

– it Is quite clear that Kimpisen the school organized a ski trip can not be a deputy of the ombudsman’s guidance on the basis of continuing so that the students collected contributions to the trip.

the Only chance Liljeström says is that the students collect together the money and the proceeds allocated to, for example, for a specific class.

Schools reminder remunerated

educational action director Anu Liljeström can’t say whether the other Lappeenranta schools ask parents money for school organised events. However, he has reminded the school of email the fact that basic education is free of charge.

– Likely some kind of paid events has been, but I can’t say whether it blocked some students ‘ participation.

Liljeström does not see it necessary to figure out now class-specific practices.

– Instructions is I think quite clear and the complaint of the decision after it has been communicated to schools. Guardians have not contacted me regarding the matter. If they were, then certainly would have addressed the situation.

you Can discuss the topic at 22, until.

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Is the gym a fair option, if you can’t afford 30 euros for a ski trip? Complaints schools paid theme day received a solution

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