holders of a season subscription in the Bossard-Arena know currently there is no boredom. 67 goals were totally achieved in ten championship home games of the EVZ, and countless other opportunities to come. The only deficit of blue-and-white optics: The home team made, often involuntarily for the spectacle. Also, coach Dan Tangnes looks like a spectacle, but with a restriction, as he says laughing: “It should be a controlled spectacle.”

Not so, most recently on Friday at 4:5 against Davos, as the strong Grisons feel of how to cope in the offensive Paradise. It was the game, which strained the patience of the Zug-based coaching crew is crucial, and a detailed discussion followed on Saturday morning. “Before, we had the statement that we have to play defensively better, in a silk paper wrapped”, says Tangnes, “now the point was reached where enough is simply enough.”

Since Junior times, each player knows that to win with the Offensive play, and long-term successes, however, necessarily about a solid defensive performance lead. This fact has been hidden in the train this fall on several occasions. 57 goals are to play 19 League, 3 per game, 14 more than last season. For Tangnes, the income statement is simple: “If we control everything that has nothing to do with skill, experience, or the amount of the payroll checks, we get a Chance to win against every Team. This is the Basis.”

high-caliber bring no guarantee of success

The clear words showed effect: When a 2:1 in the evening in Biel, Zug-based to decide, little. A thought stood in the foreground, says the Norwegians: “We knew that we need 21 players who are willing to give on the Defensive 100 percent.”

man is certainly not that this was always in all the situations of the case. The last season success, Playoff – Final, Cup race victory, a strong qualifying. Then several high-caliber of the Team joined for the new season. In the environment many thought alone, thanks to Genoni and Hofmann would be sent to the master Cup, enrolled to train.

“The increased self-confidence, we were a little hesitant and slow.” Dan Tangnes

The coach, who stressed again and again, each new Team will need time to get right. “Unfortunately,” he says. Dealing with resistance has been difficult: “The self-confidence took off, we were a little hesitant and slow.” Prime example of this is the number game: In the previous year Zuger remained in 85 percent of the penalties unscathed, and were the second-best Team. Today, the success rate is only 74 percent, worse only HC Davos is.

The most important game

Bad the penalty killing was also in Tampere. 2:0 of the ECC resulted in the eighth-final first leg of the Champions League, three goals with a man brought in less the turn before Hofmann scored the 3:3. Train had spent prior to the season, winning the CHL as a target, for that you have to survive but in the first knockout round. Seen in this way, the most important game of the season today. Tangnes says: “It’s like game 7 of a Playoff series.”

He has left, knowing that the clocks included in the train less tick than in the major cities that Genoni, having so far the worst catch rate of all stem Keeper, will still increase and that up to the Moment of the season the balance is still almost 60 games in all competitions. Between rank 7 in the League is no reason to great concern, is the table due to the different number of rounds of limited relevance.

“What we need is a series.”Dan Tangnes

his Team is convinced Dan Tangnes continued: “There are good characters. If we come well out of this Phase out, will help us to these experiences later. What we need is a series.” Success against Tampere today and the ZSC Lions on Friday would give a boost to.

icebreaker – Hockey Podcast by Tamedia

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Created: 19.11.2019, 16:23 PM