The last messages to come out of the hospital: The Operation went well, Jean-Claude Juncker could leave the ICU already, his spokeswoman Mina Andreeva, a day after the heavy intervention. The 64-Year-old doesn’t like it, if you count him to the old iron, or about the alleged alcohol problems responsive. But in the end, is not to be overlooked, as the five years his powers have been sapped.

it is Well possible that Juncker spends the last days of his term in the hospital.

1. December is a month of the Handover to Ursula von der Leyen too late. This time it was the dangerous bulge of an artery that needed surgery. In August, Jean-Claude Juncker had emergency surgery on the gall bladder to rush out of South Tyrol, where he spends all of his summer vacation, heading home. But even on good days, Jean-Claude Juncker looks tired and burned out. Stooped and sluggish, he comes in for his last speech to the EU Parliament: “I make a distinction from the office with the feeling that I have honestly endeavoured,” says Juncker in his typical witty art.

Europe mood

in fact, has outdone himself, Jean-Claude Juncker, long-time heavy smoker,. The mood at the end of the Juncker Era is perhaps symptomatic for the state, tired, confused and drained. “In Europe,” said the President of the Commission at the end of his last speech to the deputies: “And you have to fight with all the power of the stupid and bigoted nationalism.”

That was until the very end Jean-Claude Juncker’s personal struggle. Right at the Start he had promised a “political Commission”, a Commission of the last Chance. Five years later, the balance is moved, at least by.

“Fight them with all the force of the stupid and bigoted nationalism.” Jean-Claude Juncker, the Commission President,

After all, Jean-Claude Juncker, had managed the Store together, says Janis Emmanoulidis by the European Policy centre, a Brussels think tank. A challenge in a time of crisis follows the other. Juncker himself spoke of the “Polykrise”, he tried to master as a crisis Manager and chief of the Brussels ‘ mammoth authority. The low point of the Euro crisis, the tensions with Russia after the annexation of the Crimea, the migration crisis, the Brexit and Donald Trump in the White house.

The world is a different at the end of Juncker’s term of office. After all, he has prevented that Greece was pushed to the peak of the debt crisis in the Eurozone. So he highlights it in each of his last performances. And reports of the pressures of individual heads of government who have pushed for the expulsion. Juncker feared, probably rightly, the risk of a chain reaction.

Good business

The economy has meant it well with Jean-Claude Juncker, who accounted for 14 million new jobs to the account of the joint efforts. Less positive is the balance sheet of the refugee and migration crisis. Also, because Juncker has torn with the distribution key for asylum seekers unnecessarily trenches. After all, the EU was able to win thanks to the controversial Deal with Turkey, a bit of control over their External borders. A peak only towards the end should have been for Juncker to visit Donald Trump in the White house.

The Luxembourg was in the summer of 2018, there is a trade war between the EU and the US to avert. Trade policy is one of the few of the member States to the EU Commission delegated competencies. Juncker could boast in the face of threatened U.S. tariffs powerful with possible Retaliatory measures. “Jean-Claude, you’re a brutal Killer”, should Trump said. However, the Luxembourg coped with strong men good. With Russia’s authoritarian President Vladimir Putin, the chemistry should have voted also.

The endangered and Europe’s place in the world is Juncker’s theme. Everyone belongs to the Repertoire of his final speeches.

Otherwise, the EU has maintained almost alone the Flag of multilateralism, a rule-based world order, high. On the positive side, Jean-Claude Juncker has recognised the good dozen of international trade agreements, which were completed during his Era. The threatened place of Europe in the world is Juncker’s theme. Maybe he is as a politician from the small Luxembourg is particularly sensitive. Everyone belongs to the Repertoire of his final speeches.

The Europeans are dying out, are in any case becoming less and less. At the beginning of the 20th century. Century were still 20 percent of the world population of Europeans, at the end of this century, only 4 percent of the ten billion people. Only United in a strong EU, the Europeans could have a say in the global rules. Otherwise, it will be the Americans, the Chinese or the Russians.


Now failed, since Juncker, in turn, takes farewell, he is asked where he is failed. Most of the time he mentioned Switzerland and the fact that it has not worked with the framework agreement on first or at least second place (read more here to a standstill in the negotiations between Switzerland and the EU). He acts like a disappointed lover. On request you can get the list of conversations and phone calls, he has led over the years, with President of the Swiss Confederation. As an Illustration, as Juncker has personally committed himself to it. He always saw himself as a friend of Switzerland, not wanted to last to meet once more the Federal President Ueli Maurer.

And, of course, the Brexit Juncker’s term in office overshadowed. It hurts him, as the first Commission President to go down in history, during his term of office, a member state sought the exit. He had not heard at that time, only David Cameron says Juncker is now. So he would have unmasked the lies of the Brexiteers. However, the former British Premier did not want the EU-Commission-in-chief before the Brexit Referendum power campaign against the outlet. To very Juncker, was on the island of red cloth and a Symbol of the alleged decadence of the EU.

After all, Juncker has been able to the unity of the rest of the countries in the EU store, thanks also to Michel Barnier, his loyal chief negotiator (read here why it was called Barnier in England, the “the most dangerous man in Europe”). Contrary to expectations, the British did not divide the member States. The Brexit has not led to a gradual disintegration of the EU, the example of the British and the political Chaos in London acted as a deterrent, says Janis Emmanoulidis of the Brussels think-tank Policy Centre.

are Legendary, his witty sayings. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban said he wants to have regularly greeted with “Hello dictator”.

What else will remain of Juncker in memory? His sometimes clumsy kisses and surprise hugs around. Juncker went like spooning, was a politician of the old guard. Also legendary are his witty sayings, which could solidify his Team sometimes. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban said he wants to have regularly greeted with “Hello dictator”. Once a microphone was switched on, and all the world could listen in.

Actually wanted to be President-in-office Juncker in 2014 after his overthrow as head of government in Luxembourg, another Job in Brussels, namely the EU. The role as the host of the EU summit every two months would probably fit better. But as Juncker may not be possible without policy. The last has him locked down his Team more and more, as a result of a car accident ailing back.

Now it goes back to Luxemburg to a woman and a dog, the couple just a few months ago from a shelter in Bavaria has adopted. Juncker wants to sort out a couple of books, but a lot of clean up, there is not. The President of the Commission has lived all the years during the week in a Best Western Hotel on the outskirts of the Brussels Cinquantenaire Park.

Created: 19.11.2019, 18:33 PM