As part of a prisoner exchange with the Afghan government and the radical Islamic Taliban have left on Tuesday, two Western hostages. It is about three years ago, kidnapped professors Kevin King from the USA, and Timothy Weeks from Australia. They were left in the district of Naubahar, in the province of Sabul and helicopters of the US army been used, informed the local police.

The Taliban called for as against this, the quickest possible release of three high-ranking representatives of the militia. Including Anas Hakkani, the older brother of the Deputy chief of the Taliban, and the head of the Hakkani network is. The Afghan authorities accuse Anas Hakkani, to also play an important role in the network.

Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani was declared in the last week, three Taliban representatives “under conditions” for the release. He hoped that the exchange of prisoners, “pave the way” would be said for the inclusion of informal direct talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, Ghani.

It was not clear when and where the three Taliban representatives are free to come. Ghani had indicated that they might be left outside of Afghanistan free.

King and Weeks, both taught at the American University of Afghanistan. They had been kidnapped in August 2016 in Kabul of men in military uniform. Later, the Taliban published a Video with the two professors who had taken in it strongly. Your University has been facilitated through their release. (red/sda)

Created: 19.11.2019, 17:12 PM