customers of the Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB), the wanted to make on Monday via E-Banking payments or payment of stock exchange transactions, had every reason for Anger: Because of computer science issues, transactions could not be held. As a spokesman for the house confirmed, “it is as a result of previously announced maintenance on the weekend to Interruptions in the E-Banking come”.

The Bank had informed its customers in advance that they would have last weekend, no access to E-Banking. Reason for this cycle was regular Update of the system. Normally, customers can operate in such a case, starting Sunday evening E-Banking – but this Time, this was only for a few Individual. Until Monday noon, the glitch could be fixed for a part of the ZKB customers, but according to the statements of individual users of the System not working until the evening perfectly.

Should have been suffered by customers due to a glitch in the E-Banking is a financial damage your chances badly to sue the Bank for it. Usually, the financial institutions disclaim liability for any system failures in the General terms and conditions. Only in the case of gross negligence, the Bank would be liable, but even then the injured party will need experience in accordance with a long breath, to come to your law.

Created: 18.11.2019, 19:07 PM