In Kosovo goes by not a day without a summons from The Hague. There is a special Tribunal is established to investigate the war crimes of the Kosovo rebel army, KLA. The Specialist Chamber has so far offered more than 100 former fighters and commanders listed as possible witnesses or Suspects.

There is little doubt that the KLA turned off during and especially after the war, went in the summer of 1999 to the end of political rivals and members of the minorities are brutally persecuted. Were affected particularly Serbs and Roma.

Manipulation of witnesses and evidence

However, neither the now-closed UN war crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, the international missions in Kosovo has managed in the last 20 years, to consider the alleged war criminals to justice. Evidence was destroyed, witnesses have committed suicide, they were intimidated or bought, and you revealed the identity of protected witnesses, as a traitor to the brand. (Also read how five young Kosovars with the war memories to deal and what are the desires and traumas you have.)

the new court, in 2015, under massive pressure from the EU and the USA, struggling with old problems. Kosovar politicians do almost anything to prevent the elucidation of the crime. Last week, even the Minister of justice Abelard Tahiri, after The Hague had to be the investigators to answer. Tahiri, a close Confidant of the head of state, Hashim Thaçi, should not have his Ministry in the handle. Probably sensitive information were leaked.

citations in front of the special court

targeting of the special Tribunal, an office of the government, is advised in Pristina, which supports the potential defendants financially and legally. At the beginning of November the head of the Kosovo intelligence service, Shpend Maxhuni, resigned. Officially, it was said, Maxhuni have made for health reasons from his Post. Local media mutmassten, also the previous Agent and he could be charge by the special court in The Hague pre.

On the paper under the special court, the Kosovo law, but it is staffed by international prosecutors and judges.

The Kosovar human rights activist Bekim Blakaj says in the interview, the new court will prosecute the obstruction of justice stricter than the Hague Tribunal. “The country long-term consequences, if the already difficult investigation work is sabotaged, and the impression that the authorities promote impunity.” On the paper under the special court, the Kosovo law, but it operates independently and is staffed by international prosecutors and judges. “Even the Translators are foreigners,” says a source. Is financed, the Institution of the European Union with about 30 million Euro per year. Switzerland contributes with 200’000 Swiss francs.

Thaçis reason for concern

by the end of 2017 President, Hashim Thaçi, with a Kamikaze had targeted-action for the abolition of the special court. As several Western ambassadors, with serious consequences threatened, back krebsten the members of the so-called war coalition. Thaçi has every reason to worry: In a Council of Europe report, the Swiss Dick Marty referred to the former KLA political Commissioner as the head of a criminal organisation.

Since his election in 2016, Thaçi followed two strategies. Alleged victim that might incriminate him, he explains, to “hero of Kosovo” and endows them with privileges. To the West he is trying to establish itself as the guarantor of an agreement with the previous occupation of Serbia makes. That’s why he is willing to negotiate about the boundary changes with Belgrade. On 4. December is expected to be Parliament President Kadri Veseli in The Hague.

The dark past is worked up in Kosovo and in Serbia hardly.

The former KLA secret service chief was during and after the war, the right Hand of Thaçi. In mid-July, Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj resigned, before the special court to testify. When and if the rebel leaders are accused of is unclear. Kosovo news portals report that some “strong men” would have had to give up their passports.

The dark past is worked up in Kosovo and in Serbia hardly. The Belgrade human rights activist Natasa Kandic determined by your Fund for humanitarian law, for years, the number of dead and Missing. It comes in a study concluded that between 1. January 1998 and the 31. December 2000 were killed in Kosovo-about 13’000 people. The Serbian terror regime fell, about 8000 of kosovo-Albanian civilians, including 1024 children. 2500 KLA members lost their lives in combat operations. On the Serbian side there were about 2000 Dead (civilians and Uniformed).

read now our web special “We are more than war”, in order to get an insight into the life of three young Kosovars, who mediate between Albanians and Serbs.

Created: 18.11.2019, 16:29 PM