Mr Noser, your victory is much clearer than forecast. Why?
I obviously have a share in all the Camps, all of Canton, and in all Milieus, many of the votes received. There is no block, the choice was to fight, the people of Zurich as the FDP, the SVP or the SP-members, as the Left or right, but simply as a citizen, voting and voters, citizens.
And yet, you had to go to a second ballot.
And showed me that you can’t win a majority vote with character and a clear political stance. In addition, has also spoken of my experience for me. The Zurich-based Duo in the Council of States has a large weight.
it Would have been enough with Roger Köppel, as opponents so loose?
I am convinced that it would have passed without the retreat of the SVP. Now it was much easier.
Was the election campaign without Köppel also pleasant?
Marionna Schlatter and I have been hard fought in the case, are personally dealt with but it is very fair to each other. Köppels vocabulary, I don’t want to qualify, I personally would never talk about political opponents. And I don’t want my children to behave like that.
After all, the SVP in your favor back. What this means for the civil cooperation?
as a result, the base could be placed, so that we can work together in the next municipality and a member of the Parliament elections again. In a civil Canton of the bourgeois forces must work together necessarily.
Are gone, the SVP-voters to the ballot box?
clearly, otherwise I would not have achieved this advantage.
What are your goals for the next legislature?
I want to bend well, neither to the left nor to the right. For me, as a Council of States, the securing of pensions for the next 12, 15 or even 20 years, the first priority now. Secondly, The pensioners have a right to know that their AHV is secured.
Herausfordererin Marionna Schlatter congratulated Ruedi Noser to his choice. (17. November 2019) photo: Walter Bieri/Keystone,
Then we have the cost of healthcare in get a handle on without the Tricks and redistribution, and we need to clean up our Situation with Europe, in order to have legal certainty, and market access ensured. Also very important: We need to take environmental policy seriously, but as an opportunity for the economy, not as a Problem. The policy, initiated by Petra Gössi and in which I am involved – needs to be continued as an economic policy for the environment.
you mention – hardly the elections are due to the climate last.
Because the CO2 act in the Council of States by, we have done the work, and in such a way that the Greens and the SP also agree – even if they have attacked me during the election campaign all the time.
Created: 17.11.2019, 19:04 PM