Nat, has recently returned home. Home to London, home to an independent woman, home in the Lap of MI6, the mother of all secret services. For a Nat, the is an ambiguous event. Sure, he can finally play in his parent club in Battersea Badminton. Clearly, he adores his partner Prue, a human rights lawyer, and after all, what he reveals as a first-person narrator in John le Carrés new novel, “spring ball”, also every reason to be.
but There’s a discarded foreign spy on the threshold of the 47. Age Worrying than the defense of his club championship title, or the revival of his marriage. For example, the question of whether it is the HR Department for the reintegration with a hated Desk job cold, or rather directly in front of the door.
Nothing of both is happening. And this is one of those careerist, the smile with a false Duration, and angeheiratetem Tory network in the back the positions of power in the British civil service wide: Dominic Trench has cheated their way up the career ladder to Nat over. Now he needs an Eastern bloc experienced comrades-in-arms from the old days, the brings for him in London, “a garbage dump for resettled Defectors” on the front man.
An angry late work
Dom Nat holds obviously for an ally. The unveiled first, Doms glaring lack of knowledge of human nature. And secondly, the satirical qualities for which John le Carré, and is worth a read angry late work, first of all.
You need to know: the master of The politically advanced espionage novel is now 88 years old. In an age in which an author of the present clarified, if not caught could encounter. John le Carré is different. And he is a convinced European. A secret service whose bosses in Washington’s vassals, Donald Trumps-door to door, after the Brexit is not isolated to stand, reaping mistrust be complete.
Barely in the new Job installed, detects Nat in the case of a Russian sleeper a red-hot wire to Moscow. It is a covert Operation around a potential English secret traitor begins. For Nat, the intrigues of secret diplomacy are not really new, there is a loyalty issue more urgent than ever: Behind a mask, the inner enemy is hidden really?
“I think you Brits have me turning a huge truckload of lying horse shit face”, says a former Russian double-agent.
About the operation of blindness, the shadow-Boxing, the halsabsch the bureaucrats guard neidereien in London’s MI6 Headquarters casting le Carré can ridicule way. Nats contact people, le Carré, and Ambassador are. Arkady, a former Russian double-agent, and today’s Oligarch, the riotous most words.
Trump was “Putin’s latrine cleaner” sneers he, as him, Nat, browsing in his luxury bunker in the Bohemian forests. “And you British, what are you doing? Her sucks his cock and invites him to have tea with the Queen. You take our money and wash it for us, you bid us welcome, as long as we are as a crook just big enough, you sold us half of London. Her hands wringing, when we poison our traitor, and you say, please, please, dear Russian friends, and trade with us. I have risked my life? I don’t think so. I think you Brits have me turning a huge truckload of lying horse shit face.”
this liberal internationalists, such as veterans of blades that have more 87 than 47 cold war years in the bones, you must le Carré not to blame necessarily. In this Milieu, where it still smells of vodka and black bread, he knows. Here are pithy dialogues to succeed him. But there are also Ed, Nats 25-year-old Badminton adversary, the openness adores the contemporary Germany for his world. Brexiteers and Trumpisten for him in a pot: “Both groups worshipped in the same Shrine a nostalgic imperialism.”
In the shadow of it remains grey
despite all the sympathy the first-person narrator as the author for Eds “Germany fever” cherish, the boy, in spite of head a intangible figure. His anger and his Ideals are referenced by Nat in detail – in more detail, as it could use the novel. Ed himself is leaving John le Carré in the shade. But in the shadow of it remains grey.
Too much sophistication, le Carré has not for its Plot left. As a Thriller spring ball is quite predictable, in le Carré, the total plant average at best – quite apart from the untold innocent German title. In the Original, of the novel “Agent Running in the Field is called”. This is, after all, ambiguous, and of a master of the spy novel-worthy.
John le Carré: the spring ball. Roman. Translated from English by Peter Torberg. Ullstein, Berlin In 2019. 351 p., 30 Fr.
Created: 17.11.2019, 13:22 PM