Who wants to make provisions with securities solutions for the age, has the choice of torment. Around fifty products, the to invest differently in different asset classes to choose from. To make matters worse, in the autumn, banks are often advertising campaigns to launch to savers does not entice you in their 3a products, which provide long-term necessarily the best returns.

Together with the Online comparison service money to the country.ch has taken this newspaper, the products in column 3a under the magnifying glass, which are for private investors available. Were taken into account only those offers that are for at least three years on the market. Because when it comes to pensions, it is important that a product will achieve over a longer period of time an attractive return.

Similarly, products have been omitted, which are reserved for institutional investors. Although these are on platforms, such as Liberty Pension for private investors available. However, additional cost is incurred here.

Over the years, the return scissors to sharply open.

among the best products, those of the Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) and Swiss Life. They have delivered in different risk categories over a three-year period the highest yields. Also, the products of Credit Suisse, are mostly to be found far in the front. Rather average, however, the provisions are solutions of the UBS and Postfinance. The latter has managed in any category under the Best.

It clearly shows how over the years, the yield shear significantly opens. So were about to score in the balanced Fund pension savers with the Top product of the ZKB over ten years, a 60 percent higher rate of return than with the Expert-pension Fund of the Luzerner Kantonalbank. Weak the to the highest security setting money market and bond funds, reindeer, however. Here are Alternative 3a-interest accounts. In case you have any risk of negative returns.

In comparison, were not only examined the returns of the last three to ten years. Money country is calculated, the Fund’s costs, when 100’are invested 000 Swiss francs over ten years. At the current annual maximum Deposit of 6826 francs, it will take 15 years for pension to reach savers this sum.

keep fees in mind

in Order to keep in this thicket of returns and costs, the view, recommends Benjamin Manz, managing Director of money country.ch, proceed as follows: “those Who take precautions with securities, you should first define the risk capacity and then the appropriate funds to those with the lowest cost.”

The risks depend on the proportion of shares in the Fund. The higher the value, the more need for savers to be willing to be able to fluctuations in the value of the pension Fund to withstand. Share promise at the same time, in the long term, but also higher returns than bonds, which make up the majority of the funds the main part of the securities.

However, it is dangerous to fixate only on the reported yields. “Especially in good years, investors are looking almost exclusively on Performance and not on the cost of the investment product,” says Manz of money country. But the costs do not fluctuate in comparison to the rate of return, they also fall in bad years. In addition, it is usually quite challenging, the overall effective cost to capture actually. A measure for the detection of costs has been created with the acronym TER (total expense ratio, Total Expense Ratio). However, this does not include, contrary to its name – all fees.

It’s not only about Fund solutions securities for retirement savings.

The analysis shows two other anomalies. Increasingly, In recent years pension funds have been launched with a particularly high proportion of shares. However, these have not been able to stand out in the recent past despite the favorable environment compared to the balanced Fund. “Such products are only for old age saving suitable when the investment horizon is at least ten years,” says Manz of money country. Unfortunately, these products were often more expensive. The UBS does for their Vitainvest-products with a share of 75 percent, an annual fee of up to 1.7 percent.

at the same time, passively managed funds, which should be profitable, thanks to lower costs and the proximity to the market indices over the longer term, a better could not prevail in the pension sector still crucial. “The reason is simple: providers earn with cheap funds is less,” says Manz. The incentive, especially effective products on the market, is therefore low.

leaves, However, are not only about Fund solutions securities for retirement savings. Two years ago, the Digital-to-App Viac went to the Start, together with the Bank, the cost-effective ETF-life and pensions solutions with variable share offering proportion of 0 to 97 percent. Meanwhile, the Start-up managed a total of 240 million Swiss francs 15’000 customers.

it is Also cheaper than equity-heavy 3a-Fund is the ETF-modular system of the VZ assets centre. Preventive can determine as in the case of the Viac the desired proportion of shares in the column 3a and if necessary to adjust.

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(financial and economic)

Created: 15.11.2019, 09:51 PM