Is there a chance, as well as a hack that saves the forest come to an end?

That’s a question that the makers have to now seriously consider, when VTT’s leadership will be announced today information about the Finnish climate targets for the year 2035. Yle according to information received by the ambitious objective of achieving the look of forest sinks due to a weakening extremely challenging.

Forests calculated the sinks are approximately halved from the previous calculation. A big change is due to the fact that forest machinery is rushing around in the forests of the record pace and forests has perhaps been beaten too much thought of the future of wood use and climate are important sinks.

yle received by the initial preliminary data, the year 2035 land use sector is a net sink is a Technology research centre VTT’s calculation in about half smaller than the previous in the same group in the calculations. (you move to another service) Nielutiedot has provided group Natural resources institute, Luke. Luke has updated its calculations, inter alia, on the basis of what the world of precise forest resource information in recent years raised.

in Front of at least 40 million tonnes of cuts in emissions

the Updated information to significantly change their Finland’s carbon neutrality goal in 2035. Objective the challenge of a comparison can be made over a month ago, published in the Finnish climate panel’s estimate of how much emissions should be cut, in order to achieve this objective.

panel on Climate change ambitious and yet the implementation of a plan required a current of approximately 55 million tonnes of carbon dioxide calculation of 35 million tonnes carbon dioxide as amended. The remaining more than 20 million tonnes of the panel compensates for the carbon neutral mouth you can do in accordance with equal metsänielu in.

It is about five percent emissions reductions every year for fifteen years. Similar reductions is not likely to make it even anywhere in the world.

VTT’s preliminary calculations, according to the 35 million need to add at least about 5 million more to compensate for the flapper halved because of the. Its cover does not, for example, enough peat production, driving down before the year 2035. The government has said at least half of subjects suffering from the peat production emissions by 2030.

panel on Climate change deforestation, and through it sinks the amount of the assessment was the lack of data careful. The panel did not recommend felling of the growth.

weakening of the sinks in the level get before 1990

the VTT calculations must now take into account the new luke of estimates of forest sinks on the magnitude by 2035.

the sinks in the size we are returning due to increased logging and other checks because at the time, which is not even visible on the Statistics finland’s official greenhouse data starting from 1990. Data supplied to international monitoring for.

according to preliminary data of the forests of the pharynx is falling to a level that is not according to Statistics finland in the official nielulaskelmissa since 1990. Net sink is projected to be well below the -20 million co2e. The smaller the throat, the less it is a minus.Seppo Suvela / Yle

the VTT-led ministries in the calculations is not given to the makers of ready means by which the 2035 goals can be reached.

panel on Climate change presented by way of example, you transport a wide electrification and peat production winding down are no longer enough. Decision-makers care more that there are a number of the big use of wood to increase the projects. They reduce even more briskly deteriorated forest sinks.

One solution could be that the wood made into long-lived wood products. The industry transition to bio-based products is not, however, reach a decent speed.

forest logging is designed to add

Luke estimates have in the past (you move to another service) highlighted that forest logging can be used in the future to add. This is due to the fact that forests are deforested annually, clearly less than the forests are grown. Forest growth is also accelerated as the weather warms.

Still unverified calculations according to the forest resource data of an average of about 70 million cubic of logging have undermined the throat, not unlike it is previously thought of the pharynx are strengthened significantly by 2050.

Last year poured a record (you move to another service) almost 80 million cubic metres of wood.

net sink you would be in 2035 about 18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and in 2050 about 26 million cubic metres. Now (switch to another service) sinks to preliminary data, about 14 million tons.

a New pulp mill in Äänekoski used about 6 million tons of roundwood per year.

Increased logging require surgery expensive somewhere else

the forest of the pharynx of a significant weakening of the means that decision-makers have to find more stringent ways of transport, housing and agriculture to reduce emissions. The target requires that less than forecast sinks should be offset by other emissions cut by.

the researchers estimates that the emissions cuts elsewhere than in forests are more difficult and more expensive.

If forest use is increased, the climate goal requires even more tough decisions. Emission cuts can’t for a long time to increase the energy use side, because, for example, power plants climate objectives of the EU’s joint emission trading period.

panel on Climate change estimates that the decision-makers is missing for the most part yet the performances and the decisions in 2035 the objective of the required measures. Luke’s new calculations will add to this so-called measure the gap.

the Government to consider the necessary steps the next time with a bigger group next year.

deforestation are falling behind last year’s peak of the year, but their projected (you move to another service) are still larger than even a few years ago.

see also :

a carbon sink calculation surprised the government parties – in the new calculations the sinks will fall by half, the emissions reductions are to be searched a lot more than expected

Analysis: Metsä Group put the other pulp kitchen distributors a bone in the throat – Kemi rise of the new left of the factory take the trees at the hands of others

the New statement: Finland is planned up to 18 million cubic meters more deforestation than the EU allows – How to use the pulp mill projects?

a New study shows forestry climate effects larger than estimated – Professor: “we Use the natural resources a little crazy -”

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