at the university of Helsinki social policy professor Heikki Hiilamo to keep the prime minister’s retirement speeches never heard before.

– Unlike even the family support reform, or sote, or social security reform, so the pension side has achieved good results. The Finnish occupational pension system is one of the best in the world. Seems pretty hazardous and even scary that if these pension funds are changing such a political game instruments, Hiilamo assessment.

Prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) repeat of question time, that women with small occupational pensions could be increased in the employment pension system already have the money. Last week’s question time after this use the Incline envisaged in the pension scheme related to customer refunds. This week’s question time Slope mentioned pension insurance companies offered to customers, welfare to work used tens of millions.

Dangerous exception

hiilamo, according to the legislative power of course is the parliament and the government can take the initiative, but the researcher warns. And although it would be good, so the deviation could be dangerous.

– the Parliament may decide how these pension funds are used, but at the time being yes on a dangerous road. This would be a dangerous exception. Although it is good, it might lead to the fact that they would be used in a very inappropriate way, Hiilamo warn.

Hiilamo reminded that pension funds use is always also intergenerational fairness issue.

We have low-income seniors and a lot of women in these groups. But in relation to paid pension payments to their situation is a lot more affordable than future generations, who are forced to pay higher pension contributions and to settle it through a little bit lower wages.

hiilamo of the solution found in the state budget

Hiilamo think the state budget is the pension fund for a better financial model to alleviate women’s pension problems.

– Pension insurance is really a long-term operation. Because we have big pension funds, we can keep pension contributions at a reasonable level. We have a public pension system that is privately managed. This model has proved to be very good in Finland, Hiilamo praises.

Another option would be that the us should be personal pension accounts or voluntary pension insurance, and then we would be all in the same boat. In the sense of worth now these us pension funds to nurture and take good care, don’t have to give up this well-functioning system.

Hiilamo see also social and health care user fees

the State budget in addition, the solution can be found in the user fees.

– the Second option is to make sure that we don’t have too high user charges in social and health services. A longer-term solution would certainly be that women’s working careers trying to extend. And shorten it, then, that the family free of use is emphasised so strongly for women. Distributed more evenly family leave between women and men and might also be considered a little shorter family leave.

the family free use of the changes would be reflected in future pensions, but the solution to the current small occupational pensions?

Hiilamo reminds us that we have a lot of small pensions and retirees who are on disability just guarantee pension.

This is the most vulnerable group, whose income is weakest. These pension increases should always consider this the minimum level of the season, if we are to poverty and livelihood problems reduce.

When the pension is small, the board does not have fiscal tools at their disposal.

the Smallest pensions is practically not pay taxes, i.e. taxation is not the solution to this issue.

see also:

earnings-related pension insurer of the Suvi-Anne Siimes Slope: Model women’s small pension increases Germany

women’s pensions one-fifth lower than men’s pensions – the difference diminished only a little

the longer the family leave, the more the pension will suffer: “These should speak already in the clinic”

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