the Helsinki municipal tax will also remain the next year to 18 percent. The decision of the Helsinki city council Wednesday at its meeting.

the Tax rate was lowered to 18 for a couple of years ago. Yet in 2017 in the Helsinki municipal tax was 18.5.

the municipal tax is projected to bring to Helsinki the next year tax income of eur 2.7 billion.

the Helsinki economy is currently doing well, but expenses are growing. Mayor Jan free the mountain (ioc.) according to the expenditure increase were about eur 160 million and almost 4% of the current year compared to.

the free mountain things to be worried about.

It is more than a sustainable growth in the long run allows. Here, too, can and should be concerned about.

the city of Helsinki used in the coming year a total of 4.8 billion euros in helsinki services and other city functions.

in the Coming year, the Helsinki investment rose for the first time in history, more than a billion euros.

the Council also decided to next year’s real estate taxes. Real estate taxes stay in Helsinki the same as this year. The general property tax is in Helsinki 0.93 percent.

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