The business audit Commission of the Council of States has just published its report on the post-car affair. Therein, the panel, the extent to which the Federal Council and the competent departments and Offices lights have supervised the Swiss Post appropriate.

the Commission has asked the various responsible persons, including Old-Federal councillor Doris Leuthard. From 2010 until 2018, she was head of the traffic Department, which oversees the yellow giant.

Leuthard has fallen this month in the maelstrom of the post-car affair. A media report says that the traffic Department was already set in September 2011 on the unlawful reservation of practice at Postbus Switzerland into the picture. On the basis of the available information, the Commission could not confirm this finding, it is said in the report.

The Commission will investigate these allegations, however, remain. “She reserves the right to adjust your evaluation at a later time, it should, in particular after the termination of the ongoing management process met to obtain crucial new information.” The Federal office of police is currently conducting the criminal investigation into the affair.

complaint for Federal agencies

Nevertheless, the panel granted the Department of Transportation a complaint. The study comes to the conclusion that the Department and the Federal financial management had, at least since 2011, knowledge of the conflict, with the Postbus Switzerland was confronted.

This means that the Federal Council of the Post demanded an increase in the value of the company and the Post appropriate profit targets for all areas of the business derived also for the Postbus AG. However, this business generated 85 percent of its revenues in regional passenger transport, in which, by law, no profits may be.

Nevertheless, the competent authorities had done nothing at that time, what do not understand the Commission””. So failed, the traffic Department, the strategic goals for the Post. Further, the flow of information and the coordination between the Federal office for transport and the Department in terms of post-the car had been “inadequate”.

criticism, there is also, as the Federal Council and authorities after the post auto affair handled in February 2018 with the matter. In the “by and Large” would have reacted to the Federal bodies appropriately, sends the Commission. But: Overall, would have acted the state government and authorities “on the defensive,” what intervention of the Federal government concerning the government-related business, and “largely on the Work of the Post-exit”.

look beyond the country’s borders

The Commission has in its report also with Carpostal France. The Post has sold the former French subsidiary in the meantime. The workup of the affair showed that Carpostal offer only thanks to subsidy fraud in Switzerland, lower prices, and unprofitable lines could not operate.

The Committee comes to the conclusion that the transport Department and the financial management inquired regularly about the post-car-activities in France. The panel criticised that the authorities had a critical need to show.

The Commission will also clarify the extent to which the financial assistance of the Post to Carpostal France with the free trade agreement between Switzerland and the European economic community are compatible. In order to be considered “where appropriate, Teach for all state-linked companies”.

on the basis of their investigation results, the Commission has made 15 recommendations to the Federal Council. The state government is requested to develop a concept for the detection and resolution of goal conflicts, and to demand more information from the company.

The Committee requests the Federal Council to strengthen the requirements for internal regulatory instruments of the government-related companies. Are meant to be about risk management, internal controls, and compliance with company policies.

Finally, the Federal Council is to ensure that the Confederation has AIDS, if it comes in the case of state-owned companies to crisis situations.

Created: 14.11.2019, 14:59 PM