Business is booming. The internet has opened up so many more avenues than we could have dreamed of and companies are popping up in many sectors. In fact, some sectors have even grown so saturated with similar brands that customers have a hard time choosing the company that suits them the best. That’s where small businesses can be savvy and absorb some of the market share. Indeed, 95% of customers are more likely to be loyal to a company that they trust. So when it comes down to it, trust is a hugely important factor in consumer choice. How can a business use existing services to build up their trust signals to potential consumers?

Show They’re by the Book

Every business needs to show prowess with figures. A customer won’t entrust their money to a brand they don’t feel is genuine with finances. One simple way in which businesses can earn trust through proper financial conduct is through a recognized accountancy software. This shows customers that the business takes their money seriously and wants to be by the book when it comes to accounting. QuickBooks is a good example of such a service and makes it easier for businesses to raise and pay invoices – which also tells customers that they are prompt with any contractors they may need to pay. By being an ‘open book’ company with their finances, they help speak to a customer on the level that transcends companies and customers and makes them more trustworthy.

Show They’re Fully Covered

There are many ways to find general liability insurance quotes online and as Next Insurance shows, with 44% small businesses not possessing insurance, those who do are likely to show more transparency and trustworthiness for customers. General liability insurance helps protect third parties with damages and can show to customers that the company cares for their wellbeing as much as their own. Knowing a brand is fully insured can mean that should anything go wrong, the customer knows they will be protected. This could remove any doubt that customers may have about the company and could even be the defining factor in the customer choosing which brand to engage with.

Show They Value the Customer’s Time

One of the fastest ways to turn a customer off a brand is by making it difficult for them to begin to investigate what they offer. If a website is hard to navigate, looks too simple or basic, or makes the customer do extra work, then they will likely not visit it again. Investing in a proper website that runs on a recognizable platform – such as WordPress who run 34% of the internet – works to build trust in two ways. Firstly, it shows that the business values their customer and wants to make it as easy for them as possible. Secondly, it gives customers peace of mind that the software backing up the website is safe.

Trustworthiness can help customers choose which brand they want to engage with in a sea of similar competitors. These trust signals can be as simple as ensuring the company is transparent with their accounting, has a workable professional website, and is fully insured.