Finland is committed to the European convention of human rights violation, the European court of human rights (ECTHR).

the Case concerns iraqi asylum-seekers, which Finland adopted in 2016 to the conversion decision. The person returned to Baghdad in the winter of 2017, and was killed weeks after his return.

the Case is in Iraq killed Ali’s case, where the Yle report in February 2018.

in Iraq, the Lowest death certificate and the police report said that Ali died 17.12.2017 three gunshot wounds to the head and body region. The certificate is covered with the Lowest name, the person, as well as the Lowest the names of the parents concerned to protect the safety.Source: death certificate submitted to Yle Lowest next of kin

in the Decision, looked at it, the commit did the English Ali turning to the European human rights agreement articles two and three. The second article says that everyone has the right to live and the third article prohibits torture and inhuman treatment.

Finland turned to the Lowest, even if he was proven to have been in Iraq trying to kill the target. Thus, the Finland broke the European human rights agreement, article two, which states that everyone has the right to live. This is the first report when the EIT found Finland guilty of secondary infringement of article.

select the EIT had made Ali’s daughter Noor, who also received Finland to the conversion decision in 2016. Immigration agency to justify noor’s conversion decision, inter alia, that his mother and his father would form the Noor and her daughter in Iraq, the security network.

the EIT condemned Finland to pay noor for 20 000 euros in compensation for his father’s treatment.

the Case is updated.

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