Nearly 850-pages long-of the “European Islamophobia-Report 2018”, is published in September and financed by the EU program “civil society dialogue between the EU and Turkey”, cost: 126’951 euros. The report aims to analyze the “dynamics that support the rise of anti-Muslim racism in Europe”. And does this with a highly questionable strike page.

The criticism of the report followed immediately. Because in addition to actual anti-Muslim Attacks, about on headscarf wearing women, he also numerous examples that are less clear. Under “Islamophobic incidents” prized the report a “kippah-Flashmob” in 2012, in Berlin, against an attack on kippah wearing Israeli was demonstrated.

In the same train, you discredited also numerous representatives of a moderate Islam .

Also the critical comments by politicians, academics and journalists to political Islam, or criticism of the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been prized as a “wallet”, and in the same train, you discredited also by many representatives of moderate Islam – including the German activist Ahmad Mansour or the lawyer Seyran Ates, Imamin of a liberal mosque, which is referred to in the report as “a Central figure in the Islamophobia network” rates. Also, the Swiss critic of Islam Saïda Keller-appears Messali as a Islam-hater. It has now announced a lawsuit against the authors of the study.

Everything that doesn’t fit the political Islam

The unique political side is hardly surprising, when you look at the Background of the author of this report. Responsible for the Austrian political scientist Farid Hafez, and Enes Bayrakli, as well as the Foundation for political, economic and social research (Seta) draw. Seta is closely connected with the Turkish government party, the AKP, and especially in Berlin and Brussels.

Indeed, the Foundation stressed its independence, especially from Erdogan. However, certain links can not dismiss it out of Hand. As spokesman and Advisor of Erdogan is the founder of it today, other important members of the Foundation later changed to the Turkish government. Already in June, the Foundation was also in the headlines, after she had published under the title “The extended Arm of the foreign media organizations in Turkey” a list of 143 foreign journalists. All of them had expressed a critical to Erdogan.

anyone Who accuses moderate Muslims in a saucepan with the extreme Right, abused “Islamophobia” as a term of struggle.

Actually, the tactic to refer to everything as a wallet should be, what fits the political Islam in the stuff, sit up and take notice let. Especially in Germany, where public television stations invest a lot of money to their employees to educate on techniques of “Framing”, one would expect a certain sensitivity. Even if the threat is, for once, does not come from the Nazis, would journalists have to look here in more detail.

anyone Who accuses moderate Muslims in a saucepan with the extreme Right, abused “Islamophobia” as a battle cry, and can hardly claim science for themselves. Rather, one must suspect that it is political Propaganda. Particularly disturbing is that the EU has supported such activities in good faith with state funds. Those responsible would do well to distance themselves from this report.

Created: 13.11.2019, 20:03 PM