“A friendly Person from Turkey, please, friendly, we just want to see a friendly Reporter,” asking US President Donald Trump with his Turkish colleague Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a joint press conference in the White house. Since this already shows a woman with a beige shiny head scarf, as if he knew exactly what he was doing.

The reporter rising from her seat, takes the passed-in microphone and asks Trump in polished English, how could it be, that he had invited Mazloum Abdi, a Kurdish “terrorist leaders” to a Meeting, the draw in Turkey for 18 terrorist attack in which 164 soldiers and 48 civilians had been killed? Background: Abdi, the Kurdish military has fought Alliance “of democratic forces of Syria” with the United States against the IS.

Trump’s wobbling around

Not a nice question. Trump is trying not to get excited. He recently spoke with Abdi, it was a very good conversation, the United States work closely with him. “We also work closely with your great President,” he says and points to Erdogan, the warp, not Mine, this is likely the same like position, but barely.

it was all a question of Definition, around wobbling Trump. Some groups within the Kurdish population will not be liked, others not. But with Turkey there had been great progress, “Ok? – Thank you,” says Trump, and then a question. “Are you sure, that you are a reporter and not for the Turkey?” Some in the room laugh. Erdogan is not.

It is the end of a – shall we say – eventful afternoon, the both presidents on Wednesday in the White house have spent. At the beginning of October, Erdogan Trump has brought domestically, in great Distress. At the time, Trump believed that he had wrested from Erdogan in a telephone conversation, the assurance, not against the Kurds in the North of Syria, if he will withdraw the last remaining U.S. troops there. In the process, Erdogan had already set hours before the phone call his soldiers in motion.

,” says Trump. A sentence that he repents at the end of the press conference, maybe.

The Kurds to flee, including tens of thousands of children, hundreds of IS had-fighters were able to escape from prisons. And all because Trump wanted to redeem his election promise of all troops out of Syria to be deducted. Erdogan had pulled Trump simply on the table, reported an Official of the White house after the phone call.

Not only Democrats, many well-known Republicans Trump condemned for it. Brothers in arms will not be left so easy in the lurch, was the Tenor. It took the mind something to Trump that he had exceeded his own people is a red line. He let his foreign Minister, Mike Pompeo a truce to negotiate, the for 17. October is promised to the growth of trade and invited Erdogan to the White house. He was “a big Fan” of Erdogan, says Trump in the press conference. A sentence he has regrets at the end of the press conference, maybe.

The list of issues of Conflict is long:

Since the preacher Gulen , the Turkey makes for a coup attempt in July 2016 responsible and lives in the United States. For Erdogan the “unacceptable”. He handed Trump a stack of documents, the gülen’s to prove fault in order for the United States to deliver this at last. Angered Erdogan, a decision of the U.S. Congress at the end of October, in the United States recognize the killing of 1.5 million Armenians during the first world war, genocide . Erdogan says that the Congress had violated the Turkish Nation. Unresolved conflict to the purchase of Russian anti-ballistic missiles of type S-400 remains this afternoon. Erdogan insists on the purchase. For Trump, this is a provocation. Turkey is a Nato Partner. To buy military equipment from the Russians is actually not an Option. In addition, the United States fear that Russia may come across the Radar of the weapon system sensitive data from the American fighter F-35. Turkey was involved in the construction of the Jets and wanted to buy a number of them. Because you want to, but holding on to the S-400 purchase, has excluded the US from the F-35 program. Erdogan is at least as stubborn and unconventional as Trump.

And then there’s the letter. A Reporter from Fox News asks Erdogan, then, is actually a Trump-friendly transmitter. Trump had, in fact, on Wednesday, June 9.October a letter sent to the situation in the North-pacify Syria. For a correspondence between two state presidents, the Letter was – well – unusual – we have reported. Trump called on Erdogan to highlight the strong man (“don’t be a tough guy”) and not to behave like an Idiot (“don’t be a fool”). He should stay with his soldiers beautiful home. Erdogan has not responded to the letter.

The letter to Erdogan. (Image: Reuters)

The Fox-News-Reporter wants to know why Erdogan has ignored the letter of the US President and instead, in the North of Syria is invaded? As Erdogan raises the answer, you can see a slight Smile on the lips of the Turkish President. “Well, we have this letter returned this afternoon to the President.” Is all he says. Trumps Writing seems to have Erdogan will not be very impressed – but at least he was able to use it as a small revenge arrow against the U.S. President. Click here to read how Donald Trump unit on the same day in the Impeachment process under pressure.

Created: 14.11.2019, 06:34 PM