Israel and the Gaza strip palestinian militant groups have entered into ceasefire. Negotiations in Egypt acted as an intermediary.

israel and the Islamic Jihad according to the contract between all violence must end in Gaza inside the area and the environment.

in particular, This means that Israel must end Gaza against the bombing. Organization is, in turn, to stop the firing of rockets into Israel.

in Addition, Israel promised to stop palestinian leaders killed in order to make a surgical strike, as well as live ammunition the use of the Gaza border, demonstrating against the people.

the details of the Contract told the israeli Haaretz newspaper (you move to another service).

this time the violence started the day before yesterday, Tuesday, when Israel did air strikes in Gaza and Damascus. Attacks the target was the Islamic Jihad leaders.

Israel made a double air strike on Damascus and the Gaza strip – Target Islamic Jihad leaders

the Palestinians are the only action shot in Israel at least 300 rockets, with israel’s Iron Dome missile system has rejected 90 per cent, told Haaretz. Rocket fire is still paralyzed life in southern Israel.

israel’s continuous bombing of Gaza has killed 32 people and at least 97 received injuries. Today, Thursday, from Gaza in the Israeli attack killed six people from the same gazalaisen family.

Israeli air strikes on the traces of the Gaza strip.Rex Features

Islamic Jihad rocket do not directly have caused in Israel personal injury. The israeli authorities say eight people have been taken to the hospital. Half of them suffered from rocket fire caused mental trauma and the rest were flung themselves to escape rockets in the bomb shelter.

Sources: Reuters, AFP

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