In the struggle for the rose garden, the Zurich city Council’s attitude proves under nasty conditions. The own base, the strengthening of the red-green majority, demanded vehemently that he breaks the word. That he will turn against those who compromise, he has six years with the Canton government agreed: at the Top there is a Tram, down a Tunnel (read here how this Tunnel will look like in the future).

the city Council believe is right. Even then, he was red-green, and even then it was clear that there is no Velotunnel is built, but for cars. Nevertheless, both sides hit. For large projects, under powerful partners, reliability is the highest Good. Those who ignore this and weather vane plays, loses one at some point because nobody likes to cooperate with him. The should also see those people who make the city Council, in the Exuberance of his steadfastness to the accusation – they are the same, the ranting about betrayal, when Donald Trump was announcing the climate agreement.

Who plays the weather vane and the compromise cancels, fines for this, because none likes more to cooperate with him.

SP-city Council André Odermatt once said, he was too pragmatic, to entrench itself ideologically. You must also have the courage to throw their own theses in the bucket. The rose garden is the Thesis that the Tunnel will create more traffic. The city government has acquired subsequently, even the assurance, that the number of cars, the rollers today about the rose garden road, must not be exceeded.

With views of the cantonal vote in February, this means that the left-green tunnel opponent lose in the city, voices from the own camp. As for the stadium vote, the city government argued also with pragmatism and compromise, and so the resistance of Red-and-Green decisively weakened.

the most crucial battle zone shifts in the tunnel vote in the country. There are many SVP supporters are reluctant, despite the Yes-Word of their party, by contrast, to invest more than a billion Swiss francs in a project, only the city benefits. The question now is, whether you are wearing this reluctance also on the urn.

Created: 13.11.2019, 21:56 PM