in Gaza, several palestinians died on Wednesday israel’s new in attacks, say palestinian authority. According to the authorities, the death toll was at least 23.

according to the Same sources, the palestinian territories targeted in the attacks have since Tuesday dead a total of 26.

Israel has made in recent days of multiple air strikes on Gaza. It tells us responded to attacks from Gaza shot against rockets, which were shot from Gaza more than 220.

Israel says the attacks targeted Islamic Jihad -a group of items. Israeli air strikes killed earlier this week, the group commander Baha Abu al-Atan .

the UN representative of the mr Mladenov arrived in Egypt on Wednesday to negotiate to defuse the situation. Many, however, are afraid that the situation in Gaza is once again accelerating.

the Islamic Jihad group is offered on Wednesday, israel’s conditions for a ceasefire for which the mediator works in Egypt. Islamic Jihad said the group is ready to continue rocket attacks on Israel if the ceasefire conditions are not accepted.

the Terms and conditions inter alia required Israel to stop palestinian militant to you, as well as in the Gaza border to active demonstrators against attacks.

see also:

Israel and between the palestinian factions of the bloody Tuesday – Hundreds of rockets and more than 10 dead

Israel made a double air strike on Damascus and the Gaza strip – Target Islamic Jihad leaders

the Israeli air force struck Gaza in response to rocket fire

Sources: Reuters, AFP, AP

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