Yesterday, Wednesday, a stress test for the guide rods of the Confederation and the cantons came to an end. (we reported here and here) Three days and two nights had lasted for the compound exercise. The scenario: a terrorist threat, which had extended over two years, more and more. The big question: How to cope with the security organs of Switzerland, a prolonged terrorist situation, and what the critical aspects are?

What are the defects promoted the Practice to light, to show a report that will be presented in the spring. An on-site visit and a conversation with Stefan Blättler, and promoted the already Amazing light. According to the Berne police commander, the commander President of the conference of the Cantonal Police, has forced the dire terrorist situation, which brought all of the security institutions in terms of personnel and material to the performance limit, the leaders of the radical measures. to be able to

priorities of the security forces to form, with enough people at the right time in the right place, enabled the police to a national police Board. Connected to a variety of Federal agencies, army, border guard, the Federal Office of police, judicial institutions, civil defence – and of course, the commander of the cantonal police corps.

coordination across municipal and cantonal boundaries: in Western Switzerland, police officers of the city police of Zurich organised Exercise in 2008. Photo: Keystone

This is clear: In an exceptional position, as they are caused by the assumed terrorist threat between Geneva and lake Constance, would have to be coordinated across municipal and cantonal boundaries – intensive.

“It works!”

What is the police commander considered this country after the terrorist attacks in France in 2015, and pre-sprint had a national coordinating body, namely, has now been tested for the first time, from A to Z by. “We absolutely need such a coordinating body,” said police commander Blättler yesterday to this newspaper. “Priorities can form reserves form a single APB to ensure, as quickly as possible perpetrators of identify and to be able to take all of this can be ensured with a national police command staff.”

After a project Manager Bernhard Wigger had played from the defense Department and exercise Director Hans-Jürg Käser a variety of events in the national staff, noted leaves yesterday relieved: “It works.”

“The political authority would need to consider carefully whether we could accompany Hooligans on the sidelines of a football game.” Stefan Blättler, Berne police commander,

You have to solve in the composite, a range of problems and priorities must be set. Blättler speaks of a “Swiss pragmatism” that make this possible. Set the focus ultimately means that the security forces can’t do everything at the same time. But where, exactly, the police would be liable in case of a serious terrorist threat to the priorities? And where not?

“Blatant advances”

“The political authority would need to consider carefully whether we could accompany Hooligans on the sidelines of a football game.” In other words, if you were in a terror environment to Survive, would probably. no big football matches no longer take place, at least not high-risk games, which would have to be secured by hundreds of police

Apparently, the Exercise has produced a variety of findings, the potential for improvements include. “This must now be in the Detail worked up,” says Blättler. You have a lot of work ahead of you.

As an example of the high level of police calls officer a good and plausible representation of the Situation via IT. Such location of the images allow to recognize the Leadership of quickly what happened, and where and what problems need to be solved.

For a final exercise conclusion it is still too early, says Blättler. But one can say the security officer now: “I am compared to the last compound exercise blatant advances.”

Created: 13.11.2019, 20:52 PM