For all those physics lessons at school are in bad memories (that is, the most, let’s be honest), here is a physical Experiment of the amusing. It is dedicated to four friends at a table, everyone has a Kafitasse in front of him. The highlight: The cups are connected to each other with hoses. The consequence of this is that if one wants to take a SIP, all the others have to LOB your Cup, too – because if you don’t, overflows the Cup that is furthest at the bottom.

This pretty, albeit with Geklecker related experiment not only illustrates the physical principle of the communicating vessels, but is also a work of the US artist Allan Wexler: “Coffee Seeks Its Own Level” is and you would like to add attachments as a subtitle “a mutually dependent relationship with each other”, which is why the good piece is now recording in the exhibition “Dependent?”, has found in the Vögele cultural centre.

As is customary here, to be negotiated all the possible facets of the topic; consistently, the centre even for the Review depending on the has made, from the F + F art school, where students created a year-long, tailor-made works. But well worth it.

Vögele cultural centre
Pfäffikon SZ, Gwattstr. 14
From Sunday To 22.3.2020
Di–So 11-17 Uhr, Do -20 hrs
entrance 14 / 10 Franks, family ticket 25 francs, up to 16 years free

Created: 13.11.2019, 18:53 Uhr