In Zurich, are circulating two martial beliefs. Depending on which prevails, the future of this city in very different ways. Of a is: “Only a dead Parking lot is a good Parking lot.” The other: “Dead Parking mean dead Lädeli.” The first one has just to reduce the upper hand, since the city Council last week announced, in the city centre, approximately 770 Parking spaces. This is why the second is hear again.

The SVP says that every Parking space in the City half a Million Swiss francs of sales in the year. The home owner Association twice after that, customers are no longer shopping in the city, if you can’t find Parking. Want to be called: If the city Council cancels, as planned, Parking spaces, avoid the shops in the City, almost 400 million francs in sales. But is this a correct statement?

you Ask those Zurich shop owners, the experience with the Parking reduction, the picture is more differentiated. Some are convinced of a negative effect, but this is reflected only partly clear in the course of business. Others, however, their turnover was unchanged.

Who adapts to, earned

The example on the Münsterhof, where three years ago, 55 Parking spaces directly in front of the shop doors are gone. The most negative example comes from Daniel datwyler, had to give up recently, the traditional business Chäs Vreneli. He says that the sale was broke in after the rebuild by a fifth.However, the decline had been used years before with the financial crisis.

Manuel Wiesendanger from the household goods business Sibler also speaks of a protracted crisis, which began with the Euro crisis over ten years ago. He is also convinced that the car Park contributes to the removal of the problems. This would have been accentuated after the reconstruction of the Münsterhofs – in the store in the viaduct arches in a circle 5 it over better.

It was obvious that the purchasing power of the customers from the Zurich mountain, which had earlier parked on the Münsterhof, had decreased.

“The city Council is killing the city centre, if he continues his course, is now simply by,” says Wiesendanger. He points out that improvements would also be no Parking possible. So sales have attracted during temporary art installations to more than 10 percent. Unfortunately, the city lock themselves against a lasting improvement in the quality of the stay on the court. All the interviewed store owners complain, this is bleak and often orphaned.

pharmacists Lorenz Schmid is no exception – but economically it’s going better. His sales had not declined, he says, on the contrary, He had aligned with the business, in part, to the demands of international tourists, the positive effect superimpose all others. Schmid but bear in mind that other stores less adaptation will be due to your range is capable of. It was obvious that the purchasing power of the clientele had gone from the Zurich mountain and lakeside locations that have previously parked on the Münsterhof, back. If you depend on these customers, it is difficult. A store owner who wants to remain anonymous says. For him, the turnover was stable, but he wanted a couple of Sites for older customers who are bad to foot and not the Tram is like to drive.

A quarter of depends on the car

The Parking ums Fraumünster are those who are most for the shops in the city center on the lucrative: each generated almost 700’000 Swiss francs in sales in the year, such as an elaborate survey of the city in 2011 showed. The Figures of the SVP, therefore, are not plucked out of the air. In the case of an average Parking space in the inner city the value drops to around 330’000 Swiss francs, in the Parking garages of less than 170’000 Swiss francs. The motorized buyers according to the survey, in the shops of the City the most money, but since they are numerically below 20 per cent represent, they contribute only a quarter of the total revenue.

At the Rennweg you know for a long time, what it means, if such customers cease to apply. In 2004, there were repealed the Parking. Three years later, showed a survey of the city: the proportion of customers with the car was easily dropped, and one out of every five business owners complained of a decrease in customers. Especially affected was the retail sector.

Luke Kindlimann from the Shoe house of Schulthess. Photo: Urs Jaudas

Since then, it has changed the Rennweg much, only a handful of traditional shops keeps. Marcel Zumstein of the same name, Papeterie said today that sales had not decreased since the reconstruction of the Rennwegs noticeable. “In the past, this road was neither fish nor bird. Now, where is a pedestrian zone, it attracts more people.” Luke Kindlimann from the Shoe house Schulthess manifests itself also positive. He recorded a slight decline in sales. “But surely not because of the Parking, but because of the online trading and shopping tourism in the Euro countries.”

Tradition goes, Apple’s

critical of another, non-hinsteht name is: “The tag was good for the eye, but not for business.” The city is not taking into account the establishments with the traditional clientele, and if something is broken it is fix little more. But he wanted to chat, it would also be New – and he points to the Apple Store, where once Franz Carl Weber.

On the Münsterhof, such as the Rennweg, a part of the customers dodged in close to underground garages and other Parking. Something no one knows, therefore, what the consequences are, if in the City, hundreds of Parking spaces without any replacement shall be deleted, as it’s up to the city Council now. Because it was in the last thirty years.

Created: 12.11.2019, 21:35 PM