The SP made in options in 2019, the worst result in its history. Actually, they should have an electoral victory to achieve, because Red-Green Wind at your back had. It turned out differently. That’s not a reason, but many. With the resignation of Christian Levrat the Problem is not solved. To many of the topics are broke.

The party leadership has screwed up the climate policy. First, they saw the Central question at an early stage come. Then she put on a “Marshall plan”, the term is reactionary and content to be very useful. Instead of 2030, the SP wants to 2050 climate-neutral Switzerland. Instead of purchasing cheap solar and Wind power from abroad, to increase the price of a new subsidy policy, the necessary ecological transformation.

steering duties only make sense if you are high enough and the people are fully refundable. In addition, it needs to have heat pumps instead of Oil heating systems and electric cars instead of Diesel and petrol. A Mix of steering instruments and Commandments as well as prohibitions with clear deadlines are needed. The Greens are not in terms of content. The SP could have been a points and have to.

The proposals are on the table. In its implementation, no one can have a greater interest than the SMEs, the dependent wage and the SP.

In the EU the party to the framework agreement, the well-built pressure on the way. But no later than one month before the elections, you would have to show how you can solve with more protection of Workers, the question of EU-compatible: with more total contracts of employment and a minimum salary ceiling. Otherwise, the party in the election campaign in the EU debate for the outside remained standing without mobility and rolled out the carpet for the green liberal.

Even more than the climate, the people deal with the skyrocketing health insurance premiums. The SP-premiums, limit the initiative right. But it is not enough. The party must demonstrate by competent SP Federal councillor, as you get a handle on costs. A collaboration with the CVP Initiative is.

The economic policy Central theme is the policy of the national Bank and the President Thomas Jordan. Instead of in the election campaign, a responsible monetary policy to demand and to make political pressure – also here is radio silence. Neglected my on several occasions requested the state Fund from SNB-funds, whose yields could be sustainably for the social insurance and for the ecological reconstruction of used. The proposals are on the table. In its implementation, no one can have a greater interest than the SMEs, the dependent wage and the SP.

A radical change is called for – the field is open for people who bring the party to the Central political fields to advance.

The leadership of the party and the leadership of the trade Union are not only heavily male dominated but also to be strong from the West of Switzerland dominated. It is not also, if all of the important en petit comité Decisions are made. The party must set up not only personnel, but also in terms of content, and a new organizational structure.

new staff needs at the level of the party and the group. Those who apply for these positions, you must offer content. On the above-mentioned Central fields, yet in a wild “Name-Dropping” referred to a presidential candidate and candidate have to leave the inside still no traces.

Switzerland is a politically, for decades, been relatively stable. The Left comes in good years, to 30 per cent. 2019 was a good year, but not for the SP, but for the Greens, because you don’t seem in doubt, fresh and authentic, as long as the SP scores in terms of content, and communicative. A radical change is called for – the field is open for people who bring the party to the above-mentioned Central policy fields of progress. Then the election debacle can be to opportunity.

* Susanne Leutenegger Oberholzer from Basel-land, 1987 to 1991 and 1999 to 2018, the national Council was last for the SP.

Created: 12.11.2019, 21:00 clock